If you look at the Power Point presentation you will come to the realization that the recession has hit Sioux Falls pretty good. The Budget is way down from last year.


The 2010 budget is $337 million (down $164 million from last year)

$17 million goes to debt service alone.

There will be more employees added to SF city government in 2010. There is aproximately one employee for every 137 people in Sioux Falls.

You can view all the budgets here.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “City of SF budget hearings start today”
  1. One employee for every 137 citizens – holy wastrel. Now add in the city contractors, the county employees (for this is an urban county), and the county contractors – what incredible, unsustainable waste.

    One thing about South Dakotans – we do love our local government. We can never get enough of it and are always making more of it. What a bunch of socialists.

  2. I love how the presentation spins it though, 80 employees for every 10,000 people. Because they know if it was presented how I did, it would get that reaction. Spin, Spin, Spin.

  3. I might go to a city commission meeting one of these days l3wis. Where is the best place to park? I would not want to be driving around looking for a spot and the meeting has already started.

  4. If there’s a budget problem and if no building, why does the city need more employees? Oh yea, there are more unemployed poitician’s brother-in-laws who need a token job. Subtract the 20K out of state RV’ers population and the ratio becomes more like 1 employee for every 100 citizens. I don’t mind the freeloaders and waste but they have to make me an employee too.

  5. All citizens should become employees. We can show up for 5 minutes each day or have someone punch us in and out. 6 weeks vacation, a lucrative retirement, and full health care benefits. Where do I sign up.

  6. Did you see the Argus ‘Voices’ today? Mike Cooper predicts 270K population. More propaganda or the boy who cried wolf? Per Cooper, major industries are health, meatpacking, and banking. All are under pressure now while outside diverse economy’s are recovering. I was suprised to see a real director come out of the woodwork. Maybe he needs more assistants to apologize for his PR mistakes.

  7. PG- Cooper is a joke, don’t get me started. He needs to remove the vice from his cod piece.

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