Martha garnered over half the vote, 56%. I guess it proves Democrats really want Democrats representing them in Pierre. Imagine that! I also want to comment on all the people crying about the phone calls they were getting from campaigns. One TV story even featured a lady from Renner who refused to vote because of it (good, because we don’t want ignorant people voting anyway.) Two simple solutions; 1) Register as an independent and 2) Don’t give your phone number or email to ANY campaign. Duh.


By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Vanderlinde Kicks Ass! Union County Dilusional!”
  1. Well, what did you expect. When you’re running in a democratic primary, only democrats are deciding your fate. Having a pro-life position as well as other republican positions will get your ass kicked.
    I’m still not sure how they thought that would work.

  2. I know, it is funny. I am disappointed that the Gargoyle Leader did not expose the truth until the end, and with a tiny Kranz blurb in his column. The internets (and Ellen) must have put her over the top.

  3. The argus had a few Hillary trolls on its forums recently. One of the regulars googled the moniker and found the same guy posting slightly different messages in about a hundred news forums. In some, he was an elderly gentleman. In others, a middle-class black guy.
    You’d think someone would have told the campaign about the power of google.

  4. I’m been known to be an elderly black woman with a slight limp, and a dark sense of humor.

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