By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Great Editorial”
  1. Leslee doesn’t seem to be as outspoken as she used to be. I wonder if her handlers told her to shut up after that Fox interview. She’s guano whako.

  2. Oh, I have a feeling we will be hearing from her. They are probably trying to figure out how to ‘launder’ some more money, and since the finance rules have changed they are probably having trouble finding people willing to give large amounts of money and having everybody know their name. I think they are probably focusing on getting the message to clergy to pass on to their parishonars. I give it about a month, and you will be bombarded.

  3. I’ve yet to hear anything in my large Baptist church about the abortion ban. The pastor is understandably weary about allowing political speech in the church.
    We had a bunch of idiots put flyers with pictures of aborted fetuses on all the windshields during the service last time. I had to wonder why they would pass out flyers at a church – most of the people there are already on their side.
    We also had one lady come in and a sing a song dedicated to her aborted fetus in 2006. I think that’s what finally put the kibosh on having the pro-lifers in church.

  4. Strange thing to write a song about, but hey, we have a pop band headline a ribfest every year even though there is like 6 blues bands in town, so anything is possible.

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