I’ll have to credit Sy on catching this . . . I’m still laughing. He also gave me the byline.



6 Thoughts on “The SF Next logo sunbeams strangely looks like NEW Walmart logo

  1. Looks like this guy almost pulled a Jason Suckfarts off the Walmart logo. Hey, what’s up with him. He hasn’t done or said anything stupid lately?

  2. Well, it is not a total copy, but still laughable.

    Not sure where FolkArts is.

  3. Costner on August 11, 2009 at 7:40 am said:

    This is close enough that Wal-Mart’s legal team would most likely send a threatening letter if they ever find out about it.

    Heck, even the colors are practically the same only inverted.

    Heck if you are going to copy the logo from a major retailer, wouldn’t Target have been a better fit? You could have an image of joe taxpayer with that logo on his rear… I can’t think of anything better to represent what is “Next” in Sioux Falls.

  4. Costner on August 11, 2009 at 7:41 am said:

    Sorry about that last post – I seem to have channelled Sarah Palin with all the hecks. I should have added a “you betcha” and a few “ya knows” for good measure.

  5. Ghost of Dude on August 11, 2009 at 7:46 am said:

    “Ya know” is more of a Hillaryism. You could make a great drinking game out of her speeches if you counted all the “you know”s and how many times she points ans smiles at someone in the crowd to make it look like she knows them personally.

  6. “I can’t think of anything better to represent what is “Next” in Sioux Falls.”

    How ironic that the AL ED Board would pick the Walmart logo? I’m still laughing.

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