When are we gonna clean house of our kook bag legislators who write silly laws?

Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota has asked a judge to prevent the state from suspending its license to perform abortions in Sioux Falls.

Planned Parenthood made the motion for a temporary restraining order in response to a letter it received Monday from the Department of Health.  The letter lists deficiencies found during an inspection of the clinic in May and states that the clinic is not following a 2005 law requiring women to be told abortion ends a human life.  The state gave Planned Parenthood until August 22 to submit a plan of correction.

Planned Parenthood is challenging the law and wants the judge to prevent the state from taking any action until she decides whether to rule on the lawsuit or move it to trial.

A human is someone who can eat, sleep and live on their own out of a womb. Get a grip.

16 Thoughts on “You mean abortion ends a pregnancy? Get out!

  1. lexrex on August 13, 2009 at 12:49 pm said:

    “A human is someone who can eat, sleep and live on their own out of a womb.”

    is that the biological definition, dude? because when i look up the word “human” in the dictionary, i find something different.

  2. There is many definitions, but I find these two most accurate to what we are talking about

    4. Having the form of a human being

    2 : being or consisting of humans “human race”

    A fetus does not have the form of a human being, because, well, it is a fetus attached to it’s mother and secondly, you don’t become a part of the Human Race until you are born.

    That being said, I try to look at the abortion issue scientifically. And science tells me that life begins when you breathe and eat on your own.

  3. Costner on August 13, 2009 at 2:58 pm said:

    Actaully lewis, science doesn’t tell you anything. Merely being connected to a host to receive nutrients and oxygen is not in itself indicitive of life, because if it was – anyone connected to a feeding tube or heart-lung machine would be considered dead.

    Science typically states it cannot define when “life” begins because mainstream science doesn’t want to get involved in the debate. If we were to use your scientific viewpoint, then we are to assume five minutes before the fetus is born and the umbilical cord is cut, that fetus is not alive and therefore it should be ok to terminate it.

    I’d guess most people wouldn’t agree with that, yet most people have a hard time understanding when life begins. Or perhaps it is more accuarte to say most people have a hard time being honest about when life begins… because for the most part I have no knowledge of anyone being able to determine the true cutoff point.

    For me personally, I’ve gone back and forth on the issue throughout the years and I have been on both sides of the fence. These days I just admit to myself I have no idea when life begins, but with that said… I choose to error on the side of caution. Would I rather be wrong and allow a fetus to develop and be born into a baby, or would I rather be wrong and terminate a life? Seems pretty clear to me.

    That said, I wouldn’t claim to be pro-life either. I have voted against both abortion bans in our state, but mainly for personal reasons that have as much to do with the people running them and their tactics and dishonesty than anything else. I will still agree we need exceptions for medical reasons etc, and I think we need to be honest about the issue instead of playing politics – thus I doubt I will ever be able to stand behind the local pro-life movement.

    Then again this doesn’t really have jack to do with this silly law about the disclosure, but considering I am forced to listen to a disclosure every time I call my bank or credit card company or when meeting with a lawyer or realtor it seems not so odd to expect the same thing from a doctor. The fact that the statement of ending a human life is debatable or for all intents and purposes obvious doesn’t seem to matter.

    But we all know this wasn’t done to inform women of what they are doing. It was done for political benefit in an effort to find more excuses (via random checks) to shut down Planned Parenthood.

  4. Randall on August 13, 2009 at 3:24 pm said:

    Wouldn’t it be a lot cheaper and a helluva lot less aggravating if we all just chip in and get some therapy for Leslie?

  5. lexrex on August 13, 2009 at 5:10 pm said:

    just curious, dude, what are definitions 1 and 3?

    and actually, a fetus, especially at 8 weeks, does have the form of a human. has the dna of one, the hands of one, the legs, the heart, the brain, everything.

    study your biology. study the whole biological classification scale, which starts with life. you can fit the human fetus in every same category as an adult human. the offspring of a being, even in the womb, biologically speaking, is a unique member of the same species.

    and you say “you don’t become a part of the Human Race until you are born.”

    where do you get that? did you make that up?

    and can you tell me where you came up with “science tells me that life begins when you breathe and eat on your own?”

    does my life end if i got in accident and had to be put on a ventilator and feeding tube?

  6. redhatterb on August 13, 2009 at 5:56 pm said:

    I don’t feel a fetus becomes a baby until it is born. Until that time, it is basically a parasite, living off other life.

    There are religions who believe that the fetus isn’t human until it draws it’s first breath.

    I don’t know what the legislators thought when they passed that law, do they think women are so dumb that they think they are going through a drive-up to order fast food. Women know exactly what they are doing where ever they go for an abortion.

    As far as chipping in to get counseling for Leslee, she would refuse it because she is running around the country thinking she is the only sane person in it.

  7. Warren Phear on August 14, 2009 at 4:56 am said:

    Does my life end if i got in accident and had to be put on a ventilator and feeding tube?


    Good question. When does life end Lex? Would you call the life Terry Schaivo had “living”? ALL life has both a beginning and an end, that end identified as some form of death. When is that defining moment of death Lex? We as a society define death as the loss of the pattern produced by a cerebral electroencephalogram (EEG). You know….Flatline, just like they show in all your favorite CSI shows.

    If life and death are based upon the same standard of measurement, then the beginning of human life should be recognized as the time when a fetus acquires a recognizable EEG pattern. That acquisition occurs about 24-27 weeks AFTER the conception of a fetus. That being said……….

  8. “and actually, a fetus, especially at 8 weeks, does have the form of a human. has the dna of one, the hands of one, the legs, the heart, the brain, everything”

    And can it live outside it’s mother’s womb at 8 weeks?

  9. Angry Guy on August 14, 2009 at 5:58 am said:

    I’m anti-abortion, but pro-killin-babies.

    I also think if you have a penis, you are automatically excluded form the debate. Unless you had it surgically attached after they scraped your uterus out and attached some fun bags. Then, maybe, you’ll be allowed to have an opinion on the matter.

    Scott, I thought you said you weren’t going to do the abortion thing on DaCola, since it’s such a fuckin idiotic debate every time. Although I will admit, I like how it brings out the zealots.

  10. I couldn’t resist AG. What a stupid idealogical law. Even if I was a neo-pro-lifer, I would still think this was a stupid law. Abortion ends a pregnancy. Duh.

  11. lexrex on August 14, 2009 at 7:45 am said:

    when you can’t debate the questions at hand, you ask a new one. okay, dude.

    “can it live outside it’s mother’s womb at 8 weeks?”

    so you’re changing your tune? would you say that once a fetus is “viable” — i.e., able to live outside the womb — that abortion should be illegal?

  12. You’re not human till you’re in my phone book – Bill Hicks

  13. Does anyone else totally not buy Rob / lexrex’s super fake use of the word “dude”? He sounds like a Ninja Turtle. Just sayin.

  14. Ghost of Dude on August 17, 2009 at 7:28 am said:

    I don’t know what the legislators thought when they passed that law, do they think women are so dumb that they think they are going through a drive-up to order fast food

    Yes. Yes they do think that.

    BTW, Lexrex, l3wis and I are different people. He’s l3wis, I’m Dude. Unless Angie’s right and you’re just using the word to try and connect with us young, hip folks. That’s like, totally bogus, man.

  15. A baby is not a human then. A baby can not live on its own because it can not feed itself, it still requires someone to feed it. A fetus not being a baby until it is born by redhatter? That baby is still a “parasite” requiring constant care by its host. Angryguy is right, this is an idiotic debate, idiotically easy to shoot down on the premise that, “A human is someone who can eat, sleep and live on their own out of a womb”.

  16. Is a fetus a full blown human being? Nope, it’s not. But what I’d like to know, is what makes it any less special than any other human being? If it’s that it can’t take care of itself and lives off of another person…well then what would make it any different than a baby that was just born but needs a feeding tube because it was premature? Is it because it needs a human host? And if so, does that mean that the human host has the right to end the life of the baby even though the reason that baby came into existance was because of actions that the human host took?

    Women are smart, they know that sex can lead to a pregnancy. If you don’t want a baby and would kill one if you become pregnant, then maybe a woman should think twice before having sex. I would know. I had sex. I became pregnant during college where I had almost a full ride for sports. I was on top of the world at the time. I could have very easily just “gotten rid” of the problem. But how selfish would that had been? There should be no option to end the life of another human. It’s a life. A life. Not some wart or extra appendage. A life.

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