Ken is still at it.

Sorry but DECEPTION and LYING are brothers or at least first cousins. And in order to deceive people, ya gots to lie. It has been backed up by dozens of people who worked for the Bush administration that only intelligence that fit their agenda was used in the run up to war. This is deception. You can crow all you want about whether he lied or not, but unless you have been living on Mars for the past 7 years I would have to say your defense is really f’ing weak.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Liar Liar pants on fire part deux”
  1. Have you actally found anyone who still defends the decision to invad Iraq?
    That’s a mighty big choir you’re preaching to, pastor Scotty.

  2. I meet bonehead Republicans who still defend the decision, and blame Clinton for our current economic situation. Sure he is partially to blame, NAFTA was bad, bad, bad. But c’mon people.

  3. Getting rid of Saddam – a good thing, but not in the best interest of the US at the time. It would have been better to covertly overthrow the regime without the involvement of the US military, but we wouldn’t have been able to control who came to power afterwards. The islamic fundies are really good at grabbing power and are worse than Saddam ever was. The status quo was probably the best way to go. Saddam wouldn’t have lived forever.

    Not having a plan to put the country back together after we broke it? Stupid. Anyone in private industry would be fired for a mistake so big, yet it took until 2006 for any heads to roll.
    I think if we just got rid of political parties, some of the stupidity currently done along party lines would go away. Maybe I’m crazy, though.

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