
Watch a longer video here, Frank is at his prime. At one point he says, “I haven’t had a secret in 21 years.” Pop just squirted out of my nose;

Frank: Do you think Medicare is unconstitutional, sir?

Teabagger: I think that Medicare needs to be reformed.

Frank: Do you think it’s unconstitutional? You said that the Constitution doesn’t give us the authority to do it, but Medicare was done. And, do you think Medicare is unconstitutional?

Teabagger: I think that Medicare needs to be reformed.

Frank: But you won’t tell me whether you think it’s unconstitutional, which you said–

Teabagger: I am not a Constitutional scholar-

Frank: Then why did you start off arguing about the Constitution?

7 Thoughts on ““Who do you think paid for the Iraq war? Santa Claus?” – Barney Frank

  1. Brilliant! Frank is so good at calling out ignorance. When our fellow citizens are wrong, we must not be afraid to tell them so, for their own good and the country’s.

  2. I love the look on the lady’s face when he basically said arguing with her is like arguing with a dining room table. Her face said it all “I’ve been punk’d”

  3. Listen to this NPR video with Micheal Steele, what a tard (H/T-Hos);


    This was yesterday. I was so proud of NPR. You HAVE to listen to the
    interview. Calls a Republican out for his choice of words and ridicules

    An excerpt:
    STEELE: Sure there are issues in the insurance market that we could
    regulate a little better and that we can control better to maximize the
    benefits to consumers. That’s something that, yeah, we can rightly reform
    and fix.

    (Steve pounces)

    STEVE: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You would trust the gov-ern-ment
    (Steve draws out the word for emphasis) to look into that?

    STEELE: No, I’m talking about private, I’m talking about citizens, I’m
    talking about…

    (Luckily for Steele, Steve interjects before Steele can finish, giving
    the RNC chair a little more time to try and escape the logic trap he talked
    himself into.)

    STEVE: Who is it, you said that’s something that should be looked into.
    Who is it that should look into that?

    STEELE: Well, who regulate the insurance markets?

    STEVE: That would be the government.

    STEELE: Wait a minute. Hold up. You’re doing a wonderful little dance
    here and you’re trying to be cute but the reality of this is very simple.
    I’m not saying the government doesn’t have a role to play. I’ve never said
    that. The government does have a role to play, the government has a very
    limited role to play.

    STEVE: Mr. Chairman, I respect that you feel I’m doing a dance here.
    (Steele laughs). I just want you to know that as a citizen I’m a little
    confused by the positions you take because you’re giving me a very nice,
    nuanced position here.

    STEELE: It’s not nice and nuanced, I’m being very clear…

  4. So it is okay for the government to regulate insurance, just not provide it? Interesting.

  5. Ghost of Dude on August 28, 2009 at 6:22 am said:

    That’s kind of their job – providing the legal framework in which businesses operate.

  6. Costner on August 28, 2009 at 6:41 am said:

    I don’t find myself in agreement with Frank all that often, but I sure as hell wouldn’t want to try and debate him.

  7. I love the fact that he basically treats his constiuents like anybody else. He isn’t worried about his next election, etc.

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