It is about time the AL weighed in on death panels and how freaking ridiculous they are, just wondering what took them so long? The National MSM has been explaining this for weeks;


  •  The bill does not mandate that such discussions occur. It merely requires Medicare to pay for them. 



  •  Nor does the bill set the decision about what kind of care is necessary before a government panel or to a government standard.
  • She said she would be more likely to accept some form of cooperative health care coverage, like that being proposed by Sen. Kent Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat. Conrad has said that health care cooperatives, similar to electric, telephone and farm cooperatives, would be consumer-owned nonprofits. 

    While I can understand her argument for the CO-OPs, I don’t agree with them. All we are doing is creating another healthcare beaureracy, something we already have with private health insurance. If we are going to create something like this, we might as well let the government do it. We already have Medicare, Medicade and the VA in place, we can build from those. Healthcare reform isn’t like a bunch of farmers selling grain.

    I encourage everyone to watch the whole video. Steffy sounds more and more like a Republican everyday. Of course she has had a lot of practice, she is a Democrat after all.

    2 Thoughts on “The Gargoyle Leader (finally) weighs in on supposed death panels and Herseth wants healthcare reform to work like small town grain elevators

    1. Ghost of Dude on August 28, 2009 at 6:18 am said:

      All we are doing is creating another healthcare beaureracy, something we already have with private health insurance.

      Actually, if they can do it right, it’s not a terrible idea.
      Think of it like a credit union vs. a bank. Credit unions are owned by the people who bank there, whereas banks are beholden to investors who want their quarterly earnings. Who treats you like a human and who treats you like a wallet?

    2. BS. The OMB did a big study on healthcare coops several years ago and learned they wouldn’t save a nickle. Health industry apologists like Herseth Sandlin and Conrad like the coop idea because: 1) they can still pander to the insurance mafia for campaign donations, and 2) it looks like they are doing something when in fact they are doing nothing.

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