Even one of them pulled off a win, and another lost by only a few votes. I’m not sure why or how anti-equality became a SD Republican value? I know not all Republicans feel that way. Just because you support equal employment opportunities and benefits for homosexuals doesn’t mean you have to approve of their sexual lifestyle. Why do so many SD Republicans care what people do in their bedrooms?

SOME South Dakota Lawmakers and our governor have been:

– Against Equality

– Against Birth Control

– Against Doctor/patient privacy rights

– Against comprehensive sex education

You know why they fear gay equality? You FEAR the things most you know nothing about.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Not all SD Republicans are against Equality”
  1. I have grown impatient with those who say, “I am for equality, even if I don’t approve of the gay lifestyle.” What lifestyle are they referring to? The lifestyle that most gays and lesbians is no different than that of heterosexuals. They get up in the morning, go to work, come home, have dinner, do some laundry, pay some bills, watch some T.V., go to bed. What is it about that lifestyle do you not approve of? I find it a ridiculous statement. Who people love is not a lifestyle.

  2. I think some lawmakers who took PAC money from Equality SD approve of equality legislation but not gay marriage. I personally don’t care. I think (legal) marriage is a joke anyway. I think marriages should only be spiritual in nature, especially if you can’t have or are not willing to have kids. If gays want to get married, I say more power to them. Adopt a sleugh of kids, and take in stray cats. Somebody’s gotta do it. I see a whole new industry for the wedding and divorce lawyer business.

  3. Count this longtime republican as pro-equality. I really don’t understand the irrational fear some people have that letting George Takai marry his partner will ruin the “sanctity of marriage”.

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