Oh, let the circus begin, It is too bad I have to work, I would love to jump up and call her a socialist-communist-secret-muslim;

On Saturday night, attorney/dentist/real estate agent Orley Taitz, one of the central players legally challenging Obama’s eligibility, is speaking in Sioux Falls at the Holiday Inn City Centre, 100 W 8th Street at 6:30 PM in the Embassy Room. If you want to go you can just show up or RSVP with Garland Peterson at gandpeterson@sio.midco.net  or call him at 605-498-3205.

She is so freaking crazy, how can’t you just laugh?


7 Thoughts on “Crazy Nut-bag, contempt of court, birther to be speaking in Sux Falls tomorrow night – go figure

  1. I see 16 of our nutbag senators are showing up;


    Please, someone bring a camera so I can post their wingnuttery on this site. I wonder how much makeup Shantel will be wearing?

  2. http://www.ocweekly.com/2009-09-24/news/birther-orly-taitz-barack-obama/

    Sit down with an adult beverage and have a laugh before you go see her. Maybe she can explain some of this crap.

  3. prizebig on September 26, 2009 at 8:17 am said:

    Mulberry bush aside, would a monkey really chase a weasel?

  4. Just when South Carolina and Kentucky were claiming the title of “home of the fruitcakes” – Sioux Falls’s right wingnuts put in a bid for South Dakota. Iowa, do you want to annex a city? Please.

    Someone please take photos of all those entering, attending, etc. It will offer fodder for years.

    Too bad this even isn’t held in north Yankton where the residents might enjoy her Qaddafi-like, Palin-esque rambling speech.

  5. Good news. I should be getting some video of this event today or tomorrow.

    Some quick fun facts though about the event;

    – No one from the media covered it

    – About 65 people attended the event

    – Manny Steele was one of the State Legislators supporting Orley’s cause and is considering filing a suit in SD against Obama

    – Orley blames ‘JPEGS on the INTERNETS’ for all this false information. She said, “Someone can take my head and put it on someone else’s body.”

    Really Orley? Get out!

  6. Would have like to go, but beezy looking for moose and squirrel

  7. The Minuteman on September 28, 2009 at 6:54 am said:

    I was never more convinced of our fake secret terrorist president being a fraud than I was after listening to that beautiful woman talk about it.

    When she holds her mouth just right – usually when she say’s her “o”s, she looks just like my Sally.

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