Last time the city survey was done only about 900 people out of the 3,000 mailed back the surveys. Scientific? Ha!

A total of 3,000 scientific surveys will soon arrive in Sioux Falls mailboxes. They ask for information like how you rate the quality of life in the city, to how often you speak with neighbors and even if you feel like you get a good return on your tax money to the city. While that’s a wide range, city leaders hope it will narrow down their decisions for the future.

The 3,000 surveys are being sent out at random. But even if you don’t get one in the mail, you can still take the 2009 Sioux Falls Citizen Survey online. Those results won’t be scientific, but the mayor says both the e-survey and paper version will help shape the future of the city.

But who are the people getting these surveys? Good question.

14 Thoughts on “So who are the 3,000 surveys being sent to? That's a mystery I guess.

  1. Costner on October 6, 2009 at 8:31 am said:

    Well if they send one to Vaughn Blaschke I guess I’ll find it in my mailbox since I seem to get his junkmail.

  2. You’ve been ‘Vaughned’

  3. Ghost of Dude on October 6, 2009 at 10:00 am said:

    I get mail all the time for the person who lives at **** WEST **th st.

    Maybe I’ll hit the lotto and get two surveys.

  4. Costner on October 6, 2009 at 10:00 am said:

    He used to live in the house I recently bought. I’m not sure what the back story is but he was never the owner and had some type of an agreement with the true owner to buy on contract or something.

    In any case he walked away from it due to financial reasons I believe. He did leave me a nice HD dish network receiver, cable modem, monster cable HDMI cables and some other assorted goodies.

    Very odd situation thats all I can say. Wish I knew the details on why he walked away from the house, but I probably shouldn’t complain since I did pretty well on the purchase.

  5. Cost-

    Are you renting it out or living there? That basement needs a workover, and, that place is tiny, tiny, tiny.

  6. Costner on October 6, 2009 at 11:51 am said:

    We are clearly speaking of a different house. My basement is unfinished but the finished footage if around 2700. If I finish the basement I’ll be around 4000 which I’d say is more than enough for me.

  7. No, we are talking about the same place. 1/2 block north of 33rd right by Augie’s softball field? Brickhouse, unfinished basement.

  8. Costner on October 6, 2009 at 1:55 pm said:

    Nope. I live on the South side in a house that is two years old. I don’t even know where Augie’s softball fields are, but the only field near me is a corn field about three blocks away.

  9. Ghost of Dude on October 6, 2009 at 3:08 pm said:

    In any case he walked away from it due to financial reasons I believe. He did leave me a nice HD dish network receiver, cable modem, monster cable HDMI cables and some other assorted goodies.

    Well, there’s your problem right there.

    This guy obviously blew his entire bank account on overpriced cables

  10. Costner on October 6, 2009 at 3:11 pm said:

    Probably bought the damn things at Best Buy for $60 a pop too.

    I get mine from for about $5 a piece, but since “free” is my favorite price, I was more than happy to accept his free gift to me.


  12. here’s the error message i got when taking the city’s survey.

    “Server Error in ‘/Survey’ Application.

    String or binary data would be truncated.
    The statement has been terminated.”

    par for the course with the munson administration.

  13. redhatterb on October 8, 2009 at 6:20 am said:

    I have no idea how I was picked to receive the survey, but I was picked, so guess I will fill it out.

  14. Red, what part of town do you live in?

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