I decided to look up Cartoonist William Warren. Conservative editorial cartoonists always intrigue me, because #1, they are not funny, #2 they don’t make any sense and #3 they are not funny. Warren was the cartoonist who did the gopher talking about how teacher’s unions in SD lobby for gay marriage and abortion.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “The Jason FolkArts of North Carolina”
  1. Wow! He can do things like you CAN’T. Like use shadow to improve the drawing. Make persons look like who they are. And complete a visual thought.
    And great political cartoons are rarely funny, because they concern serious issues.

    The only thing funny about you is your political knowledge!

  2. Yes, because if I had any political knowledge I would have known that the SDEA lobbies for gay marriage and abortion. I hopes I do better next time.

  3. and BTW, being able to LAUGH at serious issues is what makes political cartoons FUNNY. That is why TV shows like Lil’ Bush, the Daily Show and Stephen Colbert are on a cable station called COMEDY CENTRAL. I will admit though, I do laugh when Bill O’Reilly, Rush and George Will open their mouths, it just proves how far you can get when you work your way through the ranks on your knees.

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