By l3wis

2 thoughts on “We need an air freshner”
  1. Detroit,
    There is no other place to post this, so I’m just alerting you that I’ve been raising a stink myself.

    FISA. Rep. Herseth-Sandlin, blue dog and Bush enabler voted for it. Now it’s in the Senate — where I’m not too hopeful that Sen. Tim Johnson will make a stand for the Constitution either. Phone number is:
    (202) 224-5842

    Failing to strip away the immunity for telecoms is wrong. If our govt. asked companies to break the law, let’s look at those asking corporations to break the law and get at them. To grant immunity is to bless law breaking.

    I refuse to volunteer or to donate to elected officials that can’t stand up to what they took an oath to do, to protect the Constitution.

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