(H/T- Helga)
This is all pretty sick and wrong, what kind of person, let alone a senator, votes to protect corporations from rape convictions and lawsuits? Oh, that’s right, Republicans. I wonder what Ironic Johnny’s wife and daughters think of his vote?
Watch Jon Stewart’s video first.
In 2005, Jamie Leigh Jones was gang-raped by her Halliburton/KBR co-workers while working in Iraq and locked in a shipping container for over a day to prevent her from reporting her attack. The rape occurred outside of U.S. criminal jurisdiction, but to add serious insult to serious injury she was not allowed to sue KBR because her employment contract said that sexual assault allegations would only be heard in private arbitration–a process that overwhelmingly favors corporations.
This year, Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) proposed an amendment that would deny defense contracts to companies that ask employees to sign away the right to sue. It passed, but it wasn’t the slam dunk Jon Stewart expected. Instead the amendment received 30 nay votes all from Republicans. “I understand we’re a divided country, some disagreements on health care. How is ANYONE against this?” He asked.
He went on to show video of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) arguing that it’s not the government’s place to decide who the government does business with and juxtaposed that with Republican sentiment on how the government should deal with ACORN. “I guess it’s an efficiency thing. You don’t want to waste tax-payer money giving it to someone who advises fake prostitutes how to commit imaginary crimes, you want to give it to Halliburton because they’re committing real gang rape.”
Thune (R-SD)
Alexander (R-TN) |
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeMint (R-SC)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Kyl (R-AZ)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Vitter (R-LA)
Wicker (R-MS)
They must be making a killing on donations from Halliburton and the like.
That, and they hate Franken.
Stewart was right about this amendment being a slam dunk, though. In order to vote against it, you have to vote against rape victims.
Now, before anyone argues against me here, I fully realize that 4 out of 5 people enjoy gang rape, but that doesn’t make it OK.
Let’s see. Sick and wrong?
When liberals show some intellectual honesty and admit:
1. That what Roman Polanski did was, yes, really rape.
2. When they quit playing the homophobe card with people question Safe School Czar Keith Jennings about he failed to report what may have been the rape of a minor boy by an older man.
3. When they show some outrage over Tim Johnson’s chief of staff making money from a Playboy article he wrote about a rape he witnessed…
Then the hypocrisy factor will be diminished considerably.
And yes, it IS all about Halliburton. If this had been any other corporation and any other Senator, there wouldn’t have been a peep.
Oh, I didn’t realize that Roman Polanski raped a KBR employee.
You truly are a FJA!
And I didn’t realize that 30 Senators supported the the rape of private contractors. That doesn’t make sense. Was Halliburton raped?
And I see you didn’t address the Schools Czar, a taxpayer-supported wacko.
Wow interloper, just wow.
I don’t see that you’ve condemned the way Haliburton DBA KBR handled the rape in question, yet plenty of people are on record condemning the pedo Polansky and the other incidents – none of which were brought before congress.
Your ideology is one of absolute failure, and your relativist argument argument falls far short of effective. You are nothing but a pathetic partisan hack, and my guess is that you’d have voted against this amendment after making some idiotic comment about Polansky and “Hollyweird” were you in congress.
Go back to Free Republic and rejoin the circle-jerk.
How about the School Czar, GOD?
And I’m not happy about the handing of the Hailliburton incident. I would imagine though that they aren’t the only corporation on the planet that handles such situations similarly. That doesn’t make it right, and because they get federal money, I think there’s a problem. I will agree to that.
Will you agree that the Schools Czar needs to go?
How about the School Czar, GOD?
I don’t give a shit one way or the other about the school czar. This post isn’t about the school czar.
Will you agree that the Schools Czar needs to go
Sure. Like I said, he is of no consequence to me.
All you wingnuts have left to defend your positions is hurling the hypocrite label back at the other side. Non sequitors don’t win arguments or advance ideas.
Congratulations Interloper – you win the jackass of the month award.
What is it like being the Governor of Doucheachusetts?
I guess the main reason I posted it is because I am concerned that our Jr. Senator is voting against rape protections for American workers. I just find it a little crass. That and once again, the SD MSM doesn’t make one peep about St. Thune voting against this.
Typical wingers, throw all manner of crap out to cover up what is really important. They try to dazzle with BS. Wonder how they would feel if their daughters were the ones being raped and put in wood crates and told to shut up. Or if their daughters were in the miltary and raped and beaten. Wonder how that would work for them?
Yeah, I’m still trying to make the School Czar connection.
[…] 30 Senate Republicans support federally funded rape of private … […]