Regarding this newsy city article –


My Aunt Bertha (who used to play men’s football for the semi-professional team, the Baltic Bullroars, as pictured below, in team uniform) 

Thlinget Woman

told me this morning (as we walked neighborhoods knocking on doors telling people not to listen to the radical few who are trying to impeach our state governor for not giving laptop computers to our children) that this kind, gracious, and belevolent gift of land for a junior football sports complex from Dr. Sanford is absolutely filling a NEED for the citizens of Sioux Falls and the surrounding territory (not to mention is a good use of our hard-earned, taxpayer money) – because we Americans (led by our beloved President) live and breath football, and you know that is true.  Now, as we proud and able-bodied citizens help pay for this (much more needed than paying for higher water and sewer rates), more of these young men (and women) can help the greater society in the future as they can practice, compete, and learn to hurt each other so that they each have the wonderful opportunity to most-likely play for the play-off bound Sioux Falls Storms football team.  And one day, they may even play for the upcoming NFL franchise – the Sanford/Krabbenhoft SD Vikings – another MUCH-NEEDED opportunity that we can continue to display our goal of progress and allegiance to our city leaders, fathers, and mothers.  Hurrah!!!



Regarding this news article –

Regardless of who and/or whom is drilling oil along the coastline of Florida (or not), I am continuing to  sheepishly and loyally follow  President G. W. Bush’s ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT energy advice because he has always been an expert in the oil industry.

 Also, GeeDoubleYuh is a born-again Christian like my Aunt Bertha, and he, unlike her, can play a mean game of golf under stressful and/or often war-like conditions. 

Mrs. Defarge Plays Golf

She, on the other hand, as he used to when he was a youngster, can even to this day down a pint of whiskey like there is no tomorrow…and the sun will come out tomorrow.

Bet your bottom of the oil-drum-barrel dollar.

South Dakola Cola Pop, thank you for allowing me my first post-it noting – Ya’all write back now, ya hear? – Sincerely, and onward we go – EggBert