Ghost of Dude

Have Fundy Creationists Evolved?


It appears the Intelligent Design movement may have adapted to the current environment and changed its tactics in order to stay viable as a movement. Hmmmm… there’s a word for that somewhere… oh yeah, it’s called “irony”.

Louisiana teachers will now be allowed to bring in supplimentary textbooks which promote different theories on the origin of life on earth. By different, they mean Intelligent Design (the world is only 6,000 years old).

Now I have no problem with discussions going on about the origin of life, but teachers have a responsibility to their students to prepare them for the future. They also have a position of authority over them. Science should be taught from a scientific perspective, and religion should be taught from a religious perspective – but not in public schools. If we’re going to teach intelligent design there, who’s version do we use?


^^^Just for you, Angry Guy

One thing I’m sure of though, is that my kids will at the very least be able to get into college before anyone from the public schools in the Bible Belt.

The Weirdness Begins

Not to be outdone by the crazy fundies and 9/11 “truthers”, this guy from Recreate ’68 attempted to use the power of his mind to levitate the Denver Mint and shake out the loose change - presumably to buy his next acid hit. Between the drama inside the convention and the bat-shit insane protestors, this might just be the most entertaining political convention in history. The GOP will have to try really hard to top it, preferably in the form of really stupid-looking hats and really bad dancing.

None of the Above!

In an age when so many of us centerists have no one to vote for, I propose an alternative: write in “none of the above”.

I may sound like Rodney King, but I can’t understand why we can’t just get along. Too many idiots have gotten their grubby hands on our political parties – it’s even worse at the state level. This country needs leaders, and neither candidate with a chance of winning fits the bill.  “None of the Above” seems to be the best alternative. If our political parties have a few brain cells between them, a little popular disgust may wake them up.

Bah, who am I kidding?