Painting & Pancakes: A Mural Design Discussion

Imagine a vibrant mural that tells the unique story of our Whittier neighborhood, painted by the very hands that call this place home. We are thrilled to invite you to Painting & Pancakes: A Mural Design Discussion, an event where Whittier stakeholders can come together to share ideas, enjoy delicious food, and contribute to the creation of a stunning piece of public art, that will be located on the north side of Wesley United Methodist Church

Date: Saturday, June 1st
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Wesley United Methodist Church (1700 E 6th St), Next to Meldrum Park

Delicious Breakfast: Enjoy pancakes, coffee, and sweets with your neighbors.

Family-Friendly: Bring the whole family! Kids are encouraged to join the discussion and share their ideas for what is painted.

Meet the Facilitators: Local artist Zach DeBoer will lead the discussion and help guide our mural design.

Community Collaboration: This mural will be painted by Whittier neighbors and stakeholders during the Rock the Block party happening June 22nd, made possible by Habitat for Humanity.

Contribute to Our Community: Help create a beautiful mural that reflects our neighborhood’s spirit.

Meet Your Neighbors: Make new friends and strengthen community bonds.

Express Your Creativity: Everyone’s ideas are welcome, and no artistic experience is needed.

Join us at 10:00 AM on June 1st for a morning of creativity, conversation, and community spirit. Let’s transform the north wall of Wesley United Methodist Church into a beautiful work of art that celebrates Whittier.

For more information, please contact Jordan Deffenbaugh at

We look forward to seeing you there!–

Jordan J Deffenbaugh
Community Liason

Community Revitalization Collective

I say this jokingly but you gotta kind of scratch your head and wonder with all the numbers and decreases with the party. Also, the SDDP recruited a candidate for Minnehaha County Commission, but because of a screwup with sigs or something, they are running as an Indy (they are a really good candidate, just unfortunate they can’t run under a party banner).

I left the party shortly after 911, after Tom Daschle voted for authorization to go into Iraq. I said, ‘Once this party believes in diplomacy again, I will return.’ Guess what? Still an Indy.

There is a group of local rabble-rousers that lean ‘old-school left’ that have a little drinky party on Friday nights, I sometimes attend. The organizer sends out an email each week about the state of politics, mostly statewide and nationally and he always has an update of how many registered voters the party has lost over the past week in the state. Well, that inflamed one of the former party execs who decided to do a respond all to the group trying to downplay the disastrous leadership while NOT addressing the real problem, LOSING PARTY MEMBERS.

I won’t even say who this person is, they have already embarrassed themself enough.

They also email responses with fake names so they can troll a group that literally just drinks beer and Diet Coke and bitches about how big of babies the current SDDP is. That’s about all that is happening, but ironically, they probably accomplish more then the Exec Board of the SDDP. Maybe they should move the meeting to the Dox?

You can’t have a party with no party goers. Some in the SDDP don’t seem to understand that concept, or maybe they do, and that is why they are cashing checks from the SD GOP 🙂 because unless you are actually TRYING, it is hard to lose members that fast and frequent.

I think the SDDP has a traitor . . . will be interesting to see who it is.

One of my friends said to me jokingly a few years back,

“Who do you think the biggest lawbreaker is in Sioux Falls?”

He says,

“The City of Sioux Falls.”

I have watched over the last 5 years or so as several public inputers have expressed their utter dismay in the way the city doesn’t follow it’s own rules, or Federal guidelines for that matter. That is why the city handed out almost 5,000 sidewalk violations in a single season because they were getting their asses sued for ADA violations.

So fast forward to today. First, we pay DOUBLE for a bridge that didn’t need to be replaced immediately, then we decide we are going to rebuild all the rec paths around it. I thought ‘FINALLY’ they will fix this stupid incline that in NO WAY is ADA compliant.

So what does the city do, build the exact same ramp that is NOT ADA compliant. It is hard to see from the pics below, but this mofo is steep. They should have extended it to the NORTH to drag out the incline.

Isn’t progress great! $50 million in tax rebates for parking ramps to million dollar condos and $10 million over budget for a bridge that has non-compliant ped ramps.

Not sure who is writing John’s campaign materials, but he has another zinger today. But what surprised me the most was the dude endorsing him founded one of the most successful ad agencies in the state and he makes a statement that sounds like something Ginny Thomas would text to a friend.

I can’t even show you the other side, it is even worse!

I also like how Graig manipulated the language to get his right-winger challenge coins (hate them!!!). Instead of saying defenders of HUMAN rightS he says defenders of RIGHT, who stand in the gap. What freaking GAP are you talking about? The one at the mall?

I can’t keep track of all the weirdo right-winger, Trumpified, dog whistles these days, they make up new crap constantly!

And they call themselves conservatives?! Sounds pretty f’cking progressive to me.