
Sioux Falls DSU Cybersecurity fails to get state funding . . . for now

As I have said ten thousand times before, when you do things in the open you have more buy in from the public. Denny Sanford, Mayor TenHaken and Governor Noem decided to cook up a deal behind closed doors and it has bit them in the butt.

Denny said he would give $50 million as long as the state ($30 million) and the city pitched in ($10 million). That didn’t happen today.

Senate Bill 54 to appropriate funds for the Dakota State University Cyber Program Expansion. House Appropriations cut the funding to $1 on a motion by Tina Mulally.  After that, they begrudgingly passed it 8-1, with Taffy Howard the lone vote no.

I have heard rumors that Mayor Poops still plans on bringing the $10 million funding forward to the council next week. The hope is if the council passes it that will get the legislature to bring back the funding at the end of session.


I have suggested that the council attach an amendment to the funding that they will only pitch in the $10 million IF the state changes their mind and decides to pitch in the $30 million. If the legislature fails to pass the funding before the end of session, the commitment would dissolve automatically.

Do I think this is a good project for Sioux Falls? YES. I just don’t see why we need to fund a private facility that will benefit Denny and his business partners. I also don’t believe the absolute BS that this will create 500, $100K a year jobs permanently in Sioux Falls. It may over a decade create that many jobs, but they will all not be in Sioux Falls.

I believe councilors must submit amendments by tomorrow before the agenda posts, I think they can also do it before 2nd reading. Hopefully at least 2 of them grow a brain and offer the amendment, or better yet, kill it all together.

Mayor TenHaken Tweets campaign commercials while chairing the City Council meeting tonight

As you can see while the council meeting is going on (7:24 PM) the mayor is tweeting campaign commercials on his twitter page. Not only is this during a city council meeting he is chairing it is during the discussion of employee bonuses.


This reminds me a little of when councilor Knudson was watching the Olympics during a meeting, but what makes this even more egregious is it is the chair of the meeting during a discussion on bonuses for city employees.

I guess you could argue he can multi-task, a candidate for office should not be promoting his candidacy during an official meeting we are paying him to chair.

Can anyone say unethical?

Mayor TenHaken says Sioux Falls is a nice place to live, work, play & be homeless

Don’t take my word for it;

“There’s no good way to say this, but we are a nice community to be homeless in,” he said. By that, he means that our social service agencies such as The Banquet and Bishop Dudley Hospitality House are strong, well-run organizations. The churches in Sioux Falls are financially stable. The people are generous.

I become less surprised each time Poops tells us exactly what he thinks. First he didn’t sign up for the job, then he thinks candidates are jealous of him when he uses inside information to benefit his campaign, then he is angry about alleged pervert cops now he acts like living homeless in Sioux Falls is the lap of luxury.

It is amazing how incredibly tone deaf our mayor is. He has NO clue of the amount of slum housing and poverty we have in this city, and he doesn’t seem to care, as long as the non-profits take care of it for us.

The city has the resources to make public transit, employment and housing better, but they live in the shiny glass house on the hill and wish the minions below the best of luck.

Many of our issues with food insecurity, housing, addiction and employment could be simply fixed by seeking higher wage employers to which Poops response is ‘we can’t continue this wage inflation, it’s not sustainable.’ But I guess we can continue to allow non-profits to bail out the poor?

Did anybody even know there was a Sioux Falls School Board election?

If you do a search on google with key words ‘sioux falls school board election 2022’ you will notice the only independent media that comes up is that the election was cancelled because of no candidates except the incumbents.

The SF School District, the City of Sioux Falls and the SD SOS sites ALL mention the election in advance of the February filing deadline. But NO local mainstream media even told the public there was 2 seats up for grabs. I’m even guilty, because I can’t even find if I mentioned it on my blog.

Maybe NO ONE is running because NO ONE knew about it?

While our local media continues to give FREE campaign advertising to the incumbent mayor, they have remained silent about the school board election.

Is the City of Sioux Falls storing highly concentrated skiter spray in a private facility?

You be the judge.

Item #6, Sub ITEM #1 = Consent Agenda (Contracts) – Lease Agreement for 900 West Cherokee Street and 1607 North E Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD for use by Vector Control Agreement Term through 12/31/22 with the option to extend for 4 additional 1 year terms = $45,300/year.

While the city has tons of storage to have the Vector control facility and storage on city property they have chosen to rent private space in a machine shed.

Ironically they have told us that the skiter spray is completely safe (nevermind the concentration of it is highly toxic and flammable). So safe apparently they can’t store on city property and they have to rent a private facility (a machine shed in the industrial park.) At least they got it out of the basement of city hall (I heard rumors it used to be there.)