
Half of the Ethically Challenged Sioux Falls City Council hosts fundraiser

It has often been confusing to me over the last couple of election cycles sitting councilors have been hosting public fundraisers for challengers to incumbent councilors. I can understand that you may not like the incumbent you serve with and you certainly have a 1st Amendment right to speak publicly about it and even donate money to their opponent. But you do have to question the integrity and ethics of these councilors who will openly HOST a fundraiser that is challenging the incumbent, and using their official titles as councilors on the media promoting the event.

The irony is the incumbent is probably one of the most qualified city councilors we have ever had, working several years in the law offices of city hall. You also have to factor in their dedication towards open government and transparency. But what makes the other councilors (and three of the Mayor’s campaign GOONS, with a sprinkling of bankers, bonders and trusters) support of this candidate puzzling to me is that the incumbent has always been in lock step with the rest of the council on most issues, especially when it comes to development and growth.

So while she may still make it into the rubber stamp club on occasion, I think her questioning of the administration and especially their confused and inept legal counsel, it disqualifies you from the club, so they need a new member; A physician that has ZERO experience when it comes to planning, litigation and long term strategic planning. A perfect fit for the rubber stampers.

Mayor TenHaken releases identical statement about terminated officers within a month of each other

This was the statement he released on January 6, 2022;

Upon learning of Officer Larson’s actions, he did not work another shift for the Sioux Falls Police Department and is no longer a member of our Police department. The City of Sioux Falls immediately referred this case to be reviewed for criminal charges by the State Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) as an independent agency. In order to protect the integrity of the ongoing criminal proceedings and the rights of all involved, no further details will be provided at this time. – Mayor Paul TenHaken

This was the statement he released today after an officer was arrested for Federal child pornography charges;

Upon learning of the allegations surrounding Officer Schauer’s arrest, he did not work another shift for the Sioux Falls Police Department and is no longer a member of our Police department. In order to protect the integrity of the ongoing criminal proceedings and the rights of all involved, no further details will be provided at this time. – Mayor Paul TenHaken

I don’t want to get into either case, I try to have a little faith in our justice system and both officers deserve their day in court. That is a discussion for another day.

But what I find strange is it seems Poops, his police department and his communications team decided to recycle the EXACT SAME STATEMENT.

Cruise Control government at it’s finest. I wonder if they also used Grammarly?

. . . and people make fun of my writing skills.

Besides the two cases being completely different on many levels (one officer wasn’t arrested until months later after the incident and no one knows when he was terminated), the other officer was arrested only about 4 days after being suspected of committing a crime.

This incredible lack of leadership is shown by how he handled to respond to two different situations with police officers in an identical manner.

I’m sure when he heard about this (probably yesterday) his first response was, “I didn’t sign up for this.”

It seems our new Police Chief has his work cut out for him. Makes you wonder why the last chief retired so suddenly to help run a food bank?