
Sioux Falls Panhandling signs are being covered up

I’ll say it again, those who are panhandling are NOT doing it because of food insecurity, they are doing it to get drunk. I have watched this activity for several years in my neighborhood. But I disagree with the signs instructing people to give to charity. I have often said the signs should say something like, ‘GIVING TO PANHANDLERS WHILE THEY OBSTRUCT TRAFFIC IS AGAINST THE LAW’ SD CL 22-18-40

Codified Laws § 22-18-40. Unless otherwise directed by law enforcement or other emergency personnel or to seek assistance for an emergency or inoperable vehicle, no person may stand upon the paved or improved or main-traveled portion of any highway with intent to impede or stop the flow of traffic.

Panhandling is a protected 1st Amendment freedom, what is NOT legal is for the drivers to hand them money from the window of their cars while they impede traffic. I have said we need to change city ordinance so that the panhandler isn’t charged but the driver for luring them into traffic.

Sioux Falls Mayor TenHaken combines two positions, for less salary after the resignation of his Cultural Officer

As you can see below in executive orders, he pretty much eliminated the Chief Cultural Officer position (which he didn’t need anyway) and combined it with someone who was already working in the innovation office as an assistant, and dropped the pay significantly for this new position. (the former officer was making $117K a year, starting pay for the new position is $60K a year)

At this point, I don’t know what to think of this rearranging of the deck chairs. But it seems ironic that a position the mayor felt he needed working in his office has suddenly resigned(?) and he pushes the job on someone else for lesser pay. It would be nice if he could give a public explanation to the council, but he made need to hire an Innovative Communications Cultural Marketing Specialist Analyst Officer to get it right.


A Modest Proposal for South Dakota Democrats

Unlike the classic satire, I am not suggesting Dems sell their kids for food. But I am suggesting they do something extreme.

All elected Democratic officials in the state of South Dakota should resign their posts immediately. Doesn’t matter if you are a Sheriff, County Commissioner, Township foreman, School Board member, State’s Attorney, State legislator, City Councilor or a dog catcher. JUST QUIT!

For over 50 years the SD GOP has dominated this state in super majorities in about every body of government you can think of, they are even taking over our high court, yet the party continues to allow the corrupt and lawless members to terrorize Democrats and blame them for all the bad and radical things that happen in this state. So why don’t we just give them what they want? 100% control. Once the PURE one-party rule takes hold and more corruption, lawlessness, nepotism, chaos, mysterious deaths, orgies, and general mayhem continues (or probably get worse) they will only have themselves to blame and will no longer be able to cheer Brandon or piss on Biden signs.

It will also allow the Democratic Party in South Dakota to re-organize so once the failed one party fascist authoritarian state totally collapses on itself they can pounce. It will also give Dems the time to create hundreds of initiatives and referendums to overturn all of their prehistoric laws like the tax on food, funding government through gambling and ZERO taxation for Foreign Dictator owned trusts.

Let’s give the SD Republican Party what they truly want, all the power, but with that responsibility comes liability. Let’s see how they handle that modest proposal.

Interesting Governor Race Polling

A South Dacola Foot Soldier sent me this today;

I just got a call from a polling firm based out of N Sioux City SD (based on my caller ID).  It asked if I would support Noem or one of the following Dem opponents, either Sutton, Huether, or Seiler.

I had heard about a week ago that there was going to be polling out there in an effort to push Sutton into the race. But what I find interesting is they would include someone who I thought was now a registered Indy (MMM) and someone who lost to Rumblestrips. While they were at it, why didn’t they also mention Michelle Erpenbach 🙁