
UPDATE: Sioux Falls CountCilor Alex Jensen misconstrues how the city can use TIFs

I come to suck the blood out of the city coffers!

I was a little surprised that a former state legislator and current city councilor could be so confused about how the city can apply TIFs. During his interview on KELO AM (Sept 21) Jensen says the city should use TIFs for affordable and accessible housing. Imagine my surprise, especially since Jensen gleefully voted for 3 TIFs totaling $144 million that have ZERO to do with affordable housing. But what he said about what needs to change really surprised me even more. Jensen said the state has to change laws in order to do that. Huh?

While the State could certainly do that, it is not necessary. As I have proposed, with Home Rule we can make our charter stricter than State Law, we just cannot violate the law;

Application for TIF will only be accepted for projects that will eliminate blight, build density in the core, and simultaneously provide affordable and workforce housing. Home rule charter allows the city to be stricter than state law.

There are three ways we could go about this change. The easiest would be the council just proposing the change and voting on it. That would be as simple as a presentation about the change and a 1st and 2nd reading. The next easiest would be my proposal above and have the CRC put the change on the ballot and let the voters make that change. There is also a 3rd option which would be the hardest and that would be to do a petition drive to get it on the ballot.

This is why Jensen’s statement baffles me. The Council and himself already have the power to make this change, we don’t have to wait for the legislature to do something. And if he really believed that TIFs should only be applied this way why did he vote for three that have to do with parking ramps, slush funds and Korean owned egg roll factories?

Talking out of both sides of your butt must be a vampire thing.

UPDATE: Jensen also touches on this during inside Town Hall. Alex offers some strange solutions to our housing shortages;

• Encourage people to live in our neighboring small communities. So basically he is telling people to come to SE South Dakota to work in Sioux Falls, but BTW, we don’t have any room for you in our town. So once you punch out, and go home please take those wages you made in Sioux Falls and pay your taxes in Tea or Brandon or Crooks.

I have suggested for over a decade you could do a pilot program in a core neighborhood in a 4-6 block radius. The city would fix the roads, water, sewer, curb, gutter, city owned sidewalks and lighting. You then could get the residents and property owners in that sector to sign onto a group tax incentive program thru community development to fix up the properties. Depending on income levels the help could be tax rebates or NO or LOW interest loans. As we have seen, the Mayor already has the discretionary power to that.

• Senator Jack Kolbeck brought up TIFs. Either Jack is naive or he is in on the scam, but he wants to get the TIF down to 0% for developers and eliminate excise taxes for them. He then says “So they can pass the savings down to the consumer/renter.” The tired old Reaganomics argument of trickle down. If you are giving the tax cut to the developer, the developer or contractor will simply put that money in their pocket. They know with the demand of housing in Sioux Falls they have NO reason to pass ‘savings’ on down to the consumer. The tax breaks should go to the consumer once the home is purchased. Trickle down DOES NOT WORK, we have proof of this with the enormous income gap that was created by these horrible policies.

• Jack also brings up expanding the prison built homes project to Sioux Falls prison. While I am all for this program, I think the inmates should get paid better for it, I also think they should have job guarantees in the industry when they get out and work it into their probation or parole.

• He also mentions tiny homes (I agree with) and deregulation. That is a buzz word with Republicans, they always seem to think sacrificing safety will save money. In 2018 South Dakota ranked #5 with Highest Rate of Fatal Occupational Injuries. Less regulation is NOT the answer.

I’m not saying the city needs to do this all at once or even change existing ordinances, just try a pilot program based on existing zoning and laws. Shape Places already fixed a hurdle that allows residential areas like this to either fix up or expand their properties. This isn’t rocket science folks. It’s what I told a friend the other day about the issues at the Dudley House. We have this desire in local government to re-invent the wheel and make things complicated while giving them fancy names. We don’t have to do that, we can get simple straight forward ideas from other communities on what works and we don’t even need to travel or pick up a phone to do it. You can get online and see thousands of projects. It just takes time, research and google. When I used to be a full-time graphic designer a fellow designer told me his secret to being so good, ‘90% of my ideas are stolen’.

Mayor TenHaken may have more challengers

Sorry David Z., we may have a crowded field in your race against Paul.

There have been rumors over the past week that there may be two more jumping into the mayoral race soon. I don’t have many details about either candidate except one is for sure.

Hopefully with more people jumping into the race it will encourage others to jump in. I would like to see it a 6 person race or more.

While I am not certain any candidate could beat Poops, we definitely need opponents who will point out his failures since he has been an Ineffective and Fiscally Irresponsible mayor. We all know Poops got elected from the strong White Wing Taupeville Republicans in the SE District. If a strong opponent can organize the Central, the NE and the NW they could beat him. But that is some heavy lifting.

Some people often ask me why I think Poops has been an awful leader, here is my short list ðŸ˜Š

• Massive secrecy and closed government.

• Assault on public commentary and input.

• Controlling the (lazy) media.

• Lack of leadership and cruise control government.

• Special interest/Lobbyist funded unethical trips.

• Tax handouts, incentives and TIFs to wealthy campaign donors.

• Disastrous Covid policies that have hurt our job market, housing and the economy.

• Not stopping the Bunker Ramp.

• Asking church volunteers to do the work of Public Works and FEMA.

• Authoritarian attack on Medical MJ dispensaries and possible illegal ordinances.

Paul got elected because he is a tall, white, male Republican Christian, not because of his qualifications, because the color blind graphic designer has proven he doesn’t have any.

If a strong challenger emerges, I will do everything in my power to help them overthrow Poops.

Noem & Lewandowski; Birds of a Feather

Let’s just pretend for a brief moment that the allegations of an affair did not come to light. To tell you the truth, it would not matter because the other scandals are piling up;

• Misuse of State Airplane

• Nepotism and using tax dollars to pay off a whistle blower

• Federal investigation of National Guard donation

• Paying state prisoners 50 cents per hour to build elaborate $9,000 desk

The sad part is this comes after the ‘volunteer’ advice from a guy who Trump recently fired. TRUMP FIRED HIM!!!!

You do know Kristi, just because you didn’t pay him, doesn’t mean the advice doesn’t have a price. You and mostly South Dakotans are suffering because of this scumbag Trumpian. Even your own staffers are disgusted with him.

Your leadership abilities certainly should be questioned after taking ‘volunteer’ advice from this dude. Birds of a Feather flock together, now it’s time to fire our own Dodo Bird, Kristi Noem.

Noem tries to escape her Controversies by going to California

So this popped up yesterday on a Right Winger gossipy website;

Multiple sources have informed American Greatness that South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is having an extramarital affair with adviser Corey Lewandowski, who previously served as a campaign manager for Donald Trump. The alleged fling reportedly has continued for months, sources say

Trust me, I didn’t gasp when I read it. This ‘rumor’ has been floating around the statehouse and Pierre for over a year. I would just like to know who the sources were? A disgruntled former Noem employee? A state legislator(s)?

Of course Noem denies it (alright Bill Clinton);

“total garbage and a disgusting lie”

It could be a lie for all we know. So I challenge Noem to sue them for slander. If it is NOT true, prove it to a judge. Pressler won a similar suit when he was accused of being gay.

Whether it is true or not, I could care less about Noem’s sex life. This is an obvious attempt by some conservatives across the country to discount Noem as a presidential candidate, which is funny, because I thought you had to be a known cheater before you were granted the nomination in either party. If I were these wingnut dissenters, I wouldn’t be too worried.

Watching her interview on Newsmax last night was enough to prove she doesn’t have what it takes to be president. In her 50 minute interview she lied about Reagan helping farmers (he destroyed small family farms and the middle class), lied about her death taxes (she has received millions in federal farm subsidies), lied about Covid Mandates in the state (several communities across SD had mandates) lied about the Reservations smuggling drugs for the Mexican Cartel (yet uses our tax dollars to sue the voters over passing Rec MJ) and lied about all the Freedom we have in South Dakota because we believe in God and have Faith. I know, Batty stuff.

What I found ironic is that Noem probably spent tax dollars to fly to California to do a LIVE town hall. Why can’t SDPTV host a live Townhall, right here in South Dakota? Well the answer was obvious. NO ONE asked any questions that were controversial. Like why is she asking Ravnsborg to resign or why she used tax dollars to silence a whistle blower.

I don’t entirely blame Noem for all the issues in our state. This is what happens when you have one party rule for over 50 years, nothing gets done for the people because there is NO bi-partisan discussions on laws. I had to laugh this morning when people were calling into Belfrage’s show defending Noem for firing the appraiser director. Many people called about how the appraisers in South Dakota are corrupt and in cahoots with the realtors. GET OUT! They also believed that Noem could fix it. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Do you really think the SD GOP who consists mostly of realtors and land dealers are going to fix a system that is rigged for them? You truly are naïve.

I’ll say the same thing about Noem as I say about Trump. I knew what I was getting when both of them were elected, but what baffles me is how people consistently defend their immense stupidity and lies.

UPDATE: The RR Redevelopment Area just might fill up after all

UPDATE: My suspicions were correct. I guess the city has already denied a purchase agreement with this guy, and he was trying another approach by going through the media. The rumor was it was denied because the developer doesn’t roll with the developer welfare queens the city normally gives these projects to. I wondered why this wasn’t in SF Bizzo. This from the city;

Yesterday you received a packet from Thomas Development with their proposal for the railyard sites south of 8th Street (Parcels D & E), which is highly irregular as the process does not ask them to send their proposal to everyone and most developers would not want their plans made public.  Unbeknown to us they also sent a press release to the Argus Leader, https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2021/09/28/sioux-falls-developer-proposes-more-than-200-affordable-apartments-housing-downtown/5906625001/  which is totally outside the normal process we would expect. 

As I have mentioned in different meetings with each of you, we have two other parties who are planning to make an offer on this site as well.  Under our negotiated sale process they have been notified and we expect to see their proposals toward the end of October.  Just wanted to let you know that the process undertaken by Thomas Development was a total surprise to everyone and does not indicate that we are doing anything other than receiving their proposal at this time.

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions.

Jeff Eckhoff Director, Planning and Development Services

The 8th & Railroad building is to the Right of the Development

While this isn’t ‘affordable housing’ it does fit into the ‘workforce housing’ category;

If approved, the proposal calls for 54 studio apartments, 104 one-bedroom apartments and 58 two-bedroom apartments, with rents ranging from $795 to $1,005.

I couldn’t find out too much background information on the developer, Tom Andrews, but he has done housing developments like this all over the country. We will see what kind of tax incentives he looks for, either in discretionary, TIFs or a discount on the land like the development across the street got. If he asks for none of these things, I will personally thank him to his face for embracing the free market. But I’m not holding my breath.