
Sioux Falls Districting Commission Recommends New Map

They recommended C11A. I like it because it includes Whittier and Cathedral neighborhoods into the Central and further makes that district more diverse. This is only a recommendation (all members voted for it). It still has to go thru the public review process and be approved by the City Council.

I would also like to commend Chair Mark Millage and especially Commissioner Tom Hurlbert for pushing for this major change in the Central District it is something I think should have been done a long time ago. I have often felt that the Legislative District of 13 should look like this to.

Mayor’s Discretionary Funds, 2008-2018

Here are the Mayor’s Discretionary Funds (slush fund) starting in 2008. Remember, the last mayor hid it from the public and council and while the council got to see it after his term it still doesn’t make it right.

From my assumptions so far the money comes from the general fund (1st or 2nd Penny) and it is signed off by ONE person, the Mayor. I can’t find anywhere in city ordinance that this is approved by anyone else but the mayor. It may go through a review process, but as far as I can tell the applicants probably work through the Development Foundation and the Chamber and then the Planning Department. But at the end of the day the mayor doesn’t have to approve a single application . . . but he does . . . in the dark of the night.

(Click to enlarge)

So why did Rapid City handle Med MJ Dispensaries rules so different then Sioux Falls?

My first answer is more snark than anything, because they are not so freaking uptight!

The ordinance limits the number of dispensaries to 15 within city limits. The only council member that opposed the vote said he believes the market should decide the number of dispensaries, or the city should have its own facility.

Businesses who apply for a medical cannabis and receive a license will have one year to get the business up and running. Licenses cost $5,000 and require an annual renewal fee of the same amount.

As I have said several times, before we know the actual rules set by the state all this farting around will probably have to be reworked. But isn’t it crazy that a city that is less then half our size (Aprox 75K) ok’d 15 dispensaries and a $5,000 yearly license fee, and this is a town ran by a former Police Chief. Maybe because Rapid City understands that if you don’t allow the legal distribution of this product you will only drive it into the black market. I am sure the tribe in Flandreau has been grinning ear to ear watching how we are virtually eliminating any dispensaries in Sioux Falls with ludicrous restrictions. This is what happens when you have a Lilly-White X-Tian running our city that thinks a harmless plant is the Devil’s lettuce.

Forget Del Rio, TX – We have 8th & Indiana

It is 1,169 miles from Del Rio to Sioux Falls. As I listened to all these Right Winger A-Clowns call into the Belfrage show this morning crying about something this far away we have our own little crisis going on right over by the Bishop Dudley House (you know, the place that was going to solve all of our homeless issues). In tonight’s photo album you can see occurring simultaneously on public and their private property fights, drinking, needles, homeless laundry and various other activities. As I understand it the Dudley House says not our problem, the cops say not our problem and the surrounding business owners say WTF?

In my opinion the city leaders and YES the taxpayers of this city have a responsibility to clean this up since we decided that this partnership and location was going to work. So guess what, it’s time to MAKE IT WORK or shut it down.

Cruise control government at it’s finest. (click on photo to enlarge)

If the Sioux Falls Districting Commission picks option C11 it would be a game changer for the Central District

While there are many options for the Districting Commission to review at their meeting on Wednesday, options C9 and especially C11 would be the biggest changes to the district in years. Not only would you make the Central the largest by population, you would really make it a core district again.

The discussion should be interesting.

Hopefully many candidates will be challenging Councilor Soehl for the Central District in the 2022 municipal election since he has been an utter failure delivering very little to the residents and homeowners of the district and more concerned about handing out millions in TIFs to DT parking ramps we don’t need while letting the residential streets of the core turn into the roads of Baghdad.