
Students at National University in San Diego, not to happy about Sanford’s Gift

Would be nice to hear some chatter like this in Sioux Falls;

When the billionaire T. Denny Sanford meted out cash, his philanthropy often begot physical tributes. Hospitals plastered his name on emergency rooms and nursing homes; bronze statues were erected in his likeness. In the case of National University in San Diego, the school’s chancellor reportedly displayed a cardboard cutout of Sanford following a $350 million pledge in 2019. The university agreed to name itself after him, too.

Now, following reports that Sanford has been investigated for possible possession of child pornography, some National students are calling for distance.

“They should just give the money back,” said Perry Craz, who is pursuing a master’s degree in special education and teaching. “I don’t see any benefit by having Sanford’s name put on the top of the ticket.”

If, and that’s a big if, Sanford gets indicted on any charges and convicted (I’m not holding my breath) Sioux Falls would become the laughing stock of the Midwest for all the money we sucked out of him. It reminds of the scene in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ where George sees the name of the town as ‘Pottersville’ or should we say ‘Sanfordville’.

Ratholing Liquor Licenses

I have been wondering about this for awhile, and glad to see Snevelicious did a story about it;

“Really, if it’s just a change of address, not a change of ownership, they’re just playing a game,” said Greg Jamison, a state Representative from Sioux Falls who also spent eight years on the Sioux Falls City Council.

This happens quite often. Just recently a national franchise sports bar parked their license at Casino so they can complete their building. Or my favorite, a liquor license jumped from a 2nd floor insurance office to an ice cream shop and now to a vacant space.

I hope Joe does some more investigating on this. It’s time to get rid of liquor licenses as assets. Someday I hope to sell my driver license for $400K 🙂

Is Mayor TenHaken rolling with Communist Chinese Businessmen?

While I’m not big on right-winger news, this article about Paul’s involvement with the Chi-Comms is interesting;

The unearthing of the United States Heartland China Association (USHCA) ties to Chinese foreign influence groups follow reports of Chinese Communist Party members and firms buying up American farmland, raising national security concerns among lawmakers.

Of course, I have blogged about this in the past, but the origins of this association are interesting, to say the least;

Through USHCA’s partnerships with the National Governor’s Association and The United States Conference of Mayors, the aforementioned Chinese Communist Party-linked influence groups have courted several American representatives with sponsored speeches or travel.

Which makes you wonder who paid for Mayor Poops trip to China, and if that is a serious ethics violation? It is!

USHCA delegation participants have also called for closer collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party on agriculture and farming, including Sioux Falls, South Dakota Mayor Paul TenHaken in an op-ed recently wiped from the internet, upon return:

It is time that Sioux Falls looks at developing deeper, more consistent relationships with key Chinese communities and businesses. Both the city leaders of Guangzhou and Shenzhen—with populations of 20 million each—expressed interest in forming some government partnership between Sioux Falls and one of their city districts. These relationships are critical first steps in establishing both trust and economic partnerships between our communities. One of our largest employers—Smithfield Foods—is owned by a Chinese parent company, and my office has had several other discussions with business development opportunities that have Chinese ownership ties. The Sioux Falls economy would strengthen via stronger cultural and business relations with key Chinese partners.

Gee, I wonder why this quote was wiped? Maybe it has something to do with Smithfield forcing its workers to go to work in a highly infectious workplace to produce product that was mostly going to China? Or could it be that Paul doesn’t want anyone to know what exactly are his business ties to the Chi-Comms?

During his bizarre and rambling re-election announcement today he talked about how the job is ‘difficult’ sometimes. You know Paul, it wouldn’t be that hard if you weren’t constantly scheming and scamming behind the scenes while trying to keep it from the public. As Twain once said, â€œIf you never lie, you never have to remember anything.”

City makes some baby steps towards controlling panhandling

I will have to commend them for at least starting the process of trying to control the issue. While these signs are good, especially since they suggest to give to charity, I think citing an ordinance and the fine amount for handing money out the window in traffic would also be a good addition. There also should be more enforcement, which I think there has been. I have noticed fewer of them doing it in my neighborhood, but that may mean they just moved. I do still see a lot of the activity downtown and the block around the Dudley House which is a complete disaster with trash.

So Thumbs up to Police Chief Thum, but don’t stop now, there is so much more you can do.