
UPDATE II: Sioux Falls Mayor TenHaken gets involved when his ‘people’ are affected

UPDATE II: Well I stand corrected again. Apparently the mayor didn’t initially respond to the neighbors complaints, not until he got wind of the media reports he took action. So know it seems he is even ignoring his friends. I wish the media would pressure him on a whole host of things, making him accountable gets action.

It also comes down to the public works department authorizing these towers?

UPDATE: As I heard, VAST is going to bury the boxes;

While the company is within its rights to place the boxes within the utility easements of private properties once they receive their permits from the city, it’s the lack of communication that’s led to action by the city, with TenHaken calling it “unacceptable” and adding the city had ceased issuing the  business permits until representatives had a plan to fix it.

Vast’s statement said the immediate change would be that freestanding pedestals not located with other utilities would be replaced with units flush to the ground.

While I agree with them being buried, I’m wondering where the complaint department is with the city to bury the ugly 5G towers all over Downtown? Isn’t it astonishing when the mayor’s friends complain, quick action is taken. Which is wonderful, but what about us regular folks who don’t fund election campaigns? We certainly now know who he represents.

While I can understand that the people in this neighborhood are upset because Vast didn’t notify them properly I will point out two very important things on this topic. This was noticed with the city council and approved by them AND would you rather have a goofy little green tower in your yard or a big ugly 5G tower? I think we know the answer.

At first, Will Bushee assumed the green box in his front yard was temporary.

There’d been road construction near his home in southern Sioux Falls, but when a hole was bored into his front yard and filled with a green pedestal, he started to have concerns and contacted the city.

They told Bushee it wasn’t a city project, though. Vast Broadband, an internet service provider in Sioux Falls and Vermillion, is expanding their fiber optic network throughout the city.

And once Vast receives a private utility permit from the city, they’re allowed to place “telecommunication pedestals” within a utility easement on private property, which can include a home’s front yard.

Competition is a good thing? Right? For the longest time all you ever hear from people is how Midco needs competition and they are essentially running a fiber optic monopoly in town. But what peaked my interest in this story was not the project but a particular person complaining who has a direct/indirect line to the Mayor’s Office. Mr. Bushee is the VP of MarketBeat, a company ran by Matthew Paulson. Why is this important? Matthew Paulson assisted both Mayor TenHaken and City Councilor Alex Jensen in getting elected to office. You can connect the dots.

So it didn’t surprise me when the mayor put the brakes on this almost immediately, even though this was passed by the city council. I also find it a bit ironic he seems to be so concerned about transparency (in the private sector). I do agree they should notice people, but as the city engineer said, they went through the proper steps, they just supposedly failed on the last one.

But the other part that makes Paul’s immediate action glaring is his support of Verizon’s 5G network in Sioux Falls. By halting Vast’s project he could be showing deference to not only Midco but Verizon on a project that was approved by city council. Where were these people when those meetings were taking place?

I guess if you need something done in this town by our Mayor, it’s best if you helped him get elected, he’s there for yah.

Sioux Falls City Council & City Boards Agenda for the week of August 9, 2021

While all of these meetings are important, I was troubled by this in the consent agenda of the city council;

Health, COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy Study Agreement. Augustana University, $50K

So while we will have a half-ass education program on getting vaccinated, blow $50 Million on crap unrelated to Covid, we will spend this kind of money asking the public why they won’t get a shot. I think we know the answer. It was the Butler in the Kitchen with the Knife in City Hall.

Item #12 should have an exemption for the Parks Department since I heard they have NO minority employees in that department.

Item #14 has $6 million in Covid money going to the Pavilion. Because when you think of helping people with Covid, think the arts, or should we say fixing a roof?

Item #15 isn’t much better with $7 million going to the River Greenway Project that just got a $25 million dollar tax break in the form of a TIF and a land transfer of a park that didn’t exist, but we will never know because that is confidential information.

And you wonder why no one is getting shots?!

Shell email circulating to local politicians

This same content email has been sent multiple times to different local officials over the past week, the only thing that changes is the greeting and the signature;

Dear M——,

As your constituent and your boss, I demand that you do everything in your power to ban Vaccine Mandates and Passports. This is an unconstitutional deprivation of liberty without due process and is a critical issue to me. It is unconscionable that Americans freedom of movement would be threatened in an attempt to coerce people to get vaccinated, even as Anthony Fauci is urging masks be worn by the vaccinated and unvaccinated. I’ll be watching how you vote.


I can tell you from talking to one of the elected officials who got this, there was some frustration, but if you want to make a point, you should probably write your own email instead of copy and pasting from InfoWars.

As for vaccination mandates, by private employers, I don’t agree unless you work in a critical field like healthcare, education, public service, transportation and food processing. I also think it goes against worker rights, especially in a right to work state like South Dakota, ironically where an employer can fire you for any reason, vaccination requirement or not. Employers in SD have the right to have ANY requirement, uniforms, shoes, or shots. While I think anyone eligible should get the vaccination, and if you don’t you are freaking moron (you really are) I don’t think your employer should be telling you what to do when it comes to your health. Besides, if your employer has to tell you this, they really should consider what kind of people are working for them 🙁 Trust me, I understand some people can’t get get the vaccination. I have several friends who have been told by their doctors not to get it. Most of those cases have to do with Cancer and blood clots. But a vast majority of Americans are eligible. As of today 96% of American doctors are fully vaccinated. If you don’t like your employer telling you what to do, be smart and go get a shot and you can avoid all this crap, oh and you might live.

UPDATE: SD Supreme Court rules excessive force case against Sioux Falls police officers can continue

UPDATE: Link to oral arguments, what is so crazy about listening to this is that 17 officers showed up over 5 drops of blood on a sidewalk to watch an officer slip on a rug . . . and they say they are understaffed. LMFAO.

While I was disappointed that the court supported the warrantless search they did say the trial for excessive force can move forward;

In its recently released opinion, Supreme Court justices agree that circumstances at the time created an exception to the Fourth Amendment ban on unreasonable searches.

If you read the CASE you will see while the officers may have had a right to enter the apartment since they saw blood and heard people fighting throwing Ms. Boggs to the ground was not needed. It seems the only defense the police have is that they didn’t do what she claims. So where did her injuries come from? This is a perfect example of why body cameras are needed.

According to the 2021 salary listing both officers still work for the City of Sioux Falls as of January 1st. Officers Mark Toland and Andrew Pearson both make about $72K a year in hourly pay plus benefits.

I hope to have audio of the oral arguments soon.

Is the Minnehaha County Jail still flooding?

This is an UPDATE from a story I did in March. I thought by now the wrangling between the County and the City was solved. I guess not. According to one of my moles they still haven’t figured out a solution and who should pay for it. I guess the jail continues to flood and it is getting worse. Now some of the windows are also supposedly damaged from the flooding and it is getting worse.

While it certainly doesn’t surprise me that local governments want to squabble over who is at fault and who should pay for this, I am wondering if they both understand that the money comes from the same pot, but like I said back in March, the engineer and contractor of this project are certainly the ones that should pony up.

This update also surprises me because for months our local media has been silent about it, though when you talk to people who work at the jail or even former inmates ‘everybody knows’ it is a problem.