
Email the SF City Council

and tell them not to rubber stamp Munson’s budget which would include a sales tax increase that has already been voted down earlier this year. There will be a presentation of the Amendments to the budget tonight. i encourage you to come to the meeting tonight and during public testimony urge the council to debate the amendments and tell us why they are voting yes or no.

Here’s the email addresses:

Munson: (605) 367-8800 (Citylink to the Mayor)

Beninga: (605) 367-8109 (Voice Mail)

Brown: (605) 367-8806 (Voice Mail)

Costello: (605) 367-8114 (Voice Mail)

Jamison: (605) 367-8819 (Voice Mail)

Anderson: (605) 261-5132 (Voice Mail)

Knudson: (605) 338-9431 (Voice Mail)

Litz: (605) 367-8115

Staggers: (605) 332-0357

Hypocrisy, It’s a beautiful thing.

If you go over to Pastor(?) Steve Doohickey’s blog, vocies carry, you will notice there is a link to John McCain’s site. I find it interesting that they would not only endorse a candidate on their site but John McCain, a pro-war candidate. It is estimated that over 4,000 American soldiers have died and some estimates think that between 150,000 to 400,000 innocent Iraqis have died with almost half of them being under the age of eight. John voted for the Iraq war and continues to support this operation, that continues to kill our brave soldiers and innocent Iraqi children.

So is John McCain really pro-life? You be the judge.


Initiated Measure #10

RCJ has a great article about the the measure today. Yesterday the FOX news show of Sioux Falls, KCPO’s ‘THE FACTS’ had PUC commissioner, Dusty ‘Charlie Brown’ Johnson on the show. The first half of the show Charlie talked about a great windpower program that is a partnership with schools, then the host let Chuck rant and rave (mislead) about all the negative effects of #10 if passed. Funny how the only people complaining about #10 are politicians, business men and municipalities? Things that make you go . . . hmmmmmmmmmmmm.