
Pattycake, stick to writing about the right-wing agenda and being in second place.


Mr. Powers does an editorial toon from time to time, sometimes they are funny, most of the time they are not. I see since FolkArts quit cartooning he must have gave his Microsoft Paint software to Pat.

Pat just because I was kicking your ass for a week and now you are back on top doesn’t mean you need to try to attempt political satire (we all know Republicans don’t have a sense of humor). For the record I agree with you on the Johnson debates, he should debate and I think he is capable of it, but really, 15 posts or so about it and a bad cartoon? I also agree with Todd, great political strategy, why give FREE press to a nobody whose campaign is broke. Maybe you should hold a fundraiser for Joel, Pat.

I did one this weekend about the situation that I will post today sometime.

UPDATE: and the hits keep coming.

and some more from Bob.

Obama gonna announce VP this week?

Dear Scott —

Barack Obama is about to make one of the most important decisions of this campaign — choosing a running mate.

You have helped build this movement from the bottom up, and Barack wants you to be the first to know his choice.

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Once you’ve signed up, please forward this email to your friends, family, and coworkers to let them know about this special opportunity.

No other campaign has done this before. You can be part of this important moment.

Be the first to know who Barack selects as his running mate.



David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

What up Georgia?!

I follow Russian politics about as much as I follow professional sports. Ahem. Okay, I do know more about Brett Favre then I know about president Putin (thanks to the 24/7 news coverage about him).

I was talking to a Russian immigrant friend this weekend, and asked her what she thought of the situation. She has many friends and family that still live in Moscow. She basically said that Georgians are troublemakers and that Putin and Russia have been waiting for an excuse to kick their ass for awhile (she didn’t say it that way, but close). While I don’t trust Putin’s Russia or the Georgians, I found it strange that the U.S. backs Georgia, a country infamous for thinking they are the big dog in the yard, until I found out about all of their oil revenues. And if there is one thing Bush likes, its non-alcholic beer, pretzels and oil.

Yet another bad foreign policy decision based on Uncle Jeb’s paycheck.


Will we be able to debate the facts when it comes to Initiative 11? Not if Hickey has his way.

Extremists often shape their arguments around ideas and opinions, not facts.

someone who theorizes (especially in science or art)

Pastor Hickey is a idealogue. He says things that are flat out lies in order to support his anti-American and anti-freedom agenda. He is a modern day theocrat. Just read some of his comments about people who are prochoice:

You can kick out a student for a variety of offenses, surely promoting child sacrifice and working to enable sex offenders are offenses relevant to her status at a pro-life school.

Is that why women have abortions? So they can SACRIFICE babies and PROMOTE sexual abuse? Quite the opposite actually.

Or his rewriting of American History claiming our forfathers were theocrats like himself, all the while forgetting that a democratic goverment was invented by non-Christians:

4. You are fully ignorant and revisionist in your comments about the separation of church and state. It’s not in the Constitution. It’s even an impossibility as the govt. IS the people and the people ALL have “religious” worldviews – even atheists. The only question is whose religious world view and moral agenda will shape this nation, the moral agenda of our founding (decidedly Christian) or something other. Did they teach you in your high school government class that pastors don’t have first amendment rights?

Instead debating the facts, he changes or twists the facts. He believes abortion is murder and believes murder is a sin. Is lying?


Okay, my big mouth and political leanings have gotten me into some hot water. You might even say ‘certain’ politicians in SF don’t like me. But when I entered SodaPop in the McKennan Park Dog show yesterday I was hoping my political enemies wouldn’t take it out on SodaPop. We entered the category “Most looks like owner” (I guess they didn’t have ‘most humpy’ category) I got a good applause and people came up to me afterward and said I should have won. I said during my presentation, “He’s short, stout and has a big head like his owner.” One guy said to me, “I think your loss was political.” Well, let’s see, the judges were Nancy Navvvvvve, De Knudson, Kenny Anderson Jr., and some local pet doctor (?) and King Dave officiating. That’s fine if they don’t want to include me in any beauty pagents in SF, but as you can see Sodapop was visibly upset. He’s okay, I bought him some french fries and that made everything better.

BTW, payback is a bitch. (hardy-harr-harr).