
Now they want to save babies that haven’t even been conceived yet?!

From Pastor(?) Doohickey’s blog:

– we know God’s dream for every life – including Leslie’s – does not begin at conception – but his dream for each life begins in his mind long before that dream ever manifests in it’s mothers womb.

Huh? Now this is a crusade to make sure people have children, before they decide to have children?

And they wonder why people call them bonkers?

A ‘Hickey’ on the neck of the Initiative 11 Debate

Okay, Okay, everyone involved with the Initiative 11 debate on both sides is absolutely free game. I’m a big free speech supporter and believe that if you are involved in either campaign you are subject to criticism; hard, brutal, nasty criticism. What I don’t agree with is posting someone’s personal/family information as the voices carry blog did today. It’s low, it’s sneaky, inappropriate, potentially libelous and quite frankly something you would not expect out of someone who preaches the teachings of Jesus Christ. It’s downright hypocritical and I question the moderator’s faith.

We can discuss the issues; when life begins, abortion, women’s rights, religious beliefs, blah, blah, blah. But bringing people’s families into the debate is unjustified because we all know the violence that has been carried out over the years towards people on the prochoice side by extremist fanatics. Many of my family members probably disagree with my stance on Initiative 11. Is it fair to drag them into the debate? NO, it’s unethical and quite frankly IMMORAL.

These kind of tactics are uncalled from Pastor(?) Hickey, and if you want to cheat at the game, let’s play. Cheaters always lose (remember last year?).

The Johnson – Herseth Scenario

Ok kiddies, let’s just admit it. Johnson is running for one reason and one reason only, to prevent Dykstra (or insert any podunk SD Republican) from getting the position.

Today, is as good as any day to put out why I think Johnson is running. (Editor’s note; This is my OPINION only, it is NOT based on any FACTS or RUMORS I have heard, pure speculation.)

Certain pieces of the puzzle have already been put in place.

1) It is obvious that Tim’s son, Brendan wants to get involved in politics. He has been speaking at political events and is active in the SD Democratic party.

2) Herseth says she has not ruled out running for governor in 2010, ironically when her congressional term will expire again.

3) Johnson refused to retire and is staying in the race.

What this tells me is that Herseth is gunning for the Governorship, if she wins she will gain the power to appoint a US Senator, and since she is a Democrat, she will appoint a Democrat. If she wins I predict Tim will resign (due to health reasons, or something) and she will appoint Brendan.

It is just my take on the situation -have fun with it GOPers

Another handout to SF Downtown business owners

No money for charities, but plenty of money for windows on bars.

This program is a good idea, but it should be a low interest loan, not a handout. They cut money from JazzFest, a free concert that 150,000 people attend each year, but give $34,000 to a guy who owns a bar? F’ing stupid. Then you wonder why the city debt has gone up 190 million since Munson took over.


After closer inspection of the press release, I see the handout was last February, 2007, still doesn’t make it right though . . .