
Bush is a liar-liar pants on fire. DEAL!

Still can’t put that glass of Kool-aid down, can ya?

Yes, my friends, there is still some people out there that have such a deep love for GW, they just can’t accept that he is a complete loser-liar. Unfortunately, these people have blogs on the internets that other GW Bromancers can read and join in the love-fest. It so sweet to see that SD keeps it’s fair share of ignorant people that can’t accept reality. I suggest a Black Mariah instead of a moving van when Bush leaves the White House. Maybe Dennis could help him pack.


SD Republicans fascination with closets

It seems SD conservatives are so scared of losing power in Pierre in 2009 they’ll pretend to be anything to get there. Beware the sheep’s clothing. You are either a Republican, Democrat or Independent. Don’t make the rest of us Independent’s look bad by muddying our waters. I’m an independent because I think both parties stink. So if you are a Republican, run as a Republican and leave us independents out of it, you are not welcome in our PARTY.