
Lay it on thick

The Gargoyle Leader was at it again in yesterday’s paper, hyping up how ‘regular’ the event center task force is. Please. Stick to writing satire, Billiam Janklow needs something to do. I have stated several times that the tax code must change in our state before the EC funding is even possible, and we must show there is a ‘need’ by attending and booking the current facilities we have, otherwise we are just spinning our wheels.

Did Hillary really lose? Or did we?

South Wall, Detroit Lewis Studio & Bar

Is our delegate system working? We learned in 2000 that it does not matter how much of the popular vote you get, delegates got to choose the next president. You could same thing about the Democratic primaries. Hillary received more of the popular vote, and only if you include the caucuses does Obama win. Yeah there was that Michigan and Florida thing (I think we should not let Florida participate in any elections) but even if you wipe out those states Hillary still had more of the vote. So were the primaries fair? Not in my eyes. Yes I preferred Hillary over Obama, and I  wanted her to ask him to be her running mate. Don’t get me wrong, I support Obama now that he is the nominee, but I just have this feeling that we don’t count as voters anymore and the delegates act like they know better then us. Really, how did that GW thing work out? I think it is time to ditch the delegate and caucus systems, they suck.