
SouthDaCola apologizes, kinda

Nope it isn’t a joke. Sometimes I can squeak out a sorry. After reflecting on the state primaries and a couple of posts I put out there yesterday I realized I sometimes don’t know WTF I am talking about (please laugh hysterically now).

I would like to start with the District 7 Senate race that had Dakota War College’s very own Pat Powers running. Pat lost by a large margin, which surprised me. But like I mentioned yesterday (satirically) It might have had something to do with Pat’s platform. I jokingly called it a Democratic platform, because it seems to go against the grain of most Republican legislator‘s philosophy. Pat ran partially on an open government and pro-education platform. I applaud him for that. Though I don’t have children myself I still understand that public education is an investment in our state. Every year in Pierre they refuse to fund education properly then they cannot figure out why young people don’t want to stay here. I suppose I can offer an explanation, but I think the smart ones reading this get it.

As for the open government thing, that shouldn’t be a Republican, Democrat or Independent platform. All parties should embrace open government. Some legislators think the less the people know, the better. I have said, this whole closed government thing will end biting our governor and some legislators in the butt. Keep hiding stuff from us, eventually you are gonna find out there is no more room under the mattress and you will have trouble sleeping at night in the very uncomfortable bed you have made.

So in closing, I would like to say sorry to Pat. I’m sorry you lost. Even though you are a Republican I think you would have made a damn good legislator, even if you can’t wear your jammies in session. There is one good thing you can say about losing, you don’t have to worry about someone touching your wiener in a Pierre hotel room.

This one gets weirder by the day. I figured after posting the Internets troll it would take only a few days to hear something, from someone. Well last night one of the trolls revealed themselves. I like I said earlier, I don’t know WTF I’m talking about sometimes. I have since taken the toon down, because it was unfair and (partially) incorrect. I apologize for that.

It all started about a month ago when I got an ANON tip from someone about the race. I kind of ignored it. I get lots of whacked out people emailing stupid crap, I’m sure Todd and Pat have similar experiences. Well, this person would not give up, so I forwarded their email to some people (minus the name) and I came up with Vanderlinde’s campaign manager verifying the information that was sent to me. At the time, I had no inclination that the two knew each other but I began to get suspicious when various anon posters on different sites would use multiple monickers to talk about Vanderlinde’s campaign (thus the trolls). I THOUGHT that the campaign knew about the ANON tipper. Well guess what, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In reality they have NOTHING to do with each other.

That person revealed their identity to me last night. Sorry, I can’t tell you who it is, I try to keep SouthDaCola’s foot soldiers anonymous. But I will say this; if Martha Vanderlinde ever found out, she might just give them one gigantic big kiss. I would also like to congratulate not only Martha on her huge win but her campaign manager. I think you were very well organized and I think Martha will be a shoe-in in the general.