


. . . to the long list of candidates that will lose this November.


SD Republicans have a new wood-on for this guy because they think he is going to beat Stephanie. Trust me, I’m not a big Stephanie fan, she is much too wishy-washy for me, but the last thing we need to do is send anymore conservative Republicans to DC, especially since the Dems will probably have a lot of cleanup work to do after November. They will need to act quick and swiftly to end the war, to fix healthcare and to push a clean environment and alternative energy agenda. Chris, go back to making concrete.

Try not to be a dumb-dumb head

I take the bike trail to work for a reason, it’s a little longer distance but it is a lot faster and 100 times safer then riding on the streets of Sioux Falls. I’m pretty fortunate, I live about 4 blocks from it and when I get off of it, it is two blocks to my office. For the most part, it’s an easy ride (flat) and has little interruptions or unsafe situations (except for your occassional soccer moms parked on the trail with their strollers talking about a sale at TJ Maxx, then acting so surprised when a bike comes up on them, and they say things like ‘Oh My.’) I also encounter the occassional arm flailer-speed walker, they come in both men and women, and usually wear big ugly sweatpants. They have those radio headsets on and they are probably listening to Rush Limbaugh or NPR. But yesterday I saw a couple of punks riding motorized scooters on the bike trail (this of course is illegal and very unsafe). If I would have saw them sooner they would have gotten a closeline. I yelled at them and was very disappointed, because now the bike trails are not even safe from traffic. Shortly after they whizzed by, a motorcycle cop came flying by, someone must have called it it. If I wasn’t on my way to work, I think I would have turned around and observed them being arrested or at least ticketed for their obvious stupidity.

Don’t ride your scooter on the bike trail; jackass.

Tom Waits Painting project; ‘$29.00 (and an aligator purse)’

20 x 16″ – Acrylic and silicon particles on masonite


little black girl in a red dress
on a hothight with a broken shoe
little black girl you shoulde never left home
theres probly someone thats still waitin’ up for you
its cold back in chicago
but in los angles its worse
when all you got is $29.00 and an alligator purse

i see already that vulture in the fleetwood
with the startruse hood
can see you’re trying to get you bearrings
and you say hey which ways the main stem
and where ever you say you’re from
he’ll say he grew up there himself

and he’ll comeon and make you feel
like you grew up right next door to him
and you say take a left on a central
and he trows it in reverse
cause you only got $29.00 and an alligator purse

and he’ll come on like a gentleman
and you’ll be a little shy
you say you ex old man was a sax player
he’ll say baby i used to play bass for sly
and you say you like his cadillac, say honey, i got 2 or 3
he’ll say sweetheart you’re sure fortunate
that you ran into me
when you’ve done a dime in the joint
you figure nothin’ could be worse
and you got $29.00 and an alligator purse

well he got pharoh on the 8 track
you start smokin’ a little boo
you thinkin’ gettin’ outofchicago was the
best thing that ever happend to you
startin’ to like it already
this cat seems to be cool
and he says honey i know a good hotel out in west hollywood
that’d be just right for you
but he ain’t know good samaritan
he’ll make sure he’s reimursed
lot more than $29.00 and a alligator purse

now the sirens just an epilog
the cops here always get there too late
they always stop for coffee on the way to the scene of the crime
then they always try so hard to look just like movie stars
they couldnt catch a cold
you ony wasting you dime
and she’s lucky to be alive
the doctor whispered to the nurse
she only lost a 1/2 pint of blood
$29.00 and an alligator purse