
Madigan Doomed. Ellen Degeneres endorses Vanderlinde

I debated posting this for a couple of reasons. First off, I hope Martha cleans the floor with the other two Democratic(?) opponents in the primary, secondly, not sure if she wrote this, so for her sake, if someone is out there posting on talk show blogs using her name, she better find out who they are. I changed my mind, because for the past week or so, I have been trying to point out to people what kind of blog this is. I’m not political fantasy site like Sibby, I’m not a Republican advocacy site like Dakota War College, I’m not even a Left of a Left site like SD Watch. My site is dedicated to political satire, and trust me, I laughed when I read this. Most of what she wrote is true, but there are some parts I question (thus the humor).


Hi Ellen, You are absolutely fantastic and I adore you. I find myself in a pathetic situation. I am running for a State House seat in the legislature of South Dakota, district 15. I am a honest, hard-working nurse, mother, wife, and currently taking care of my elderly father. I am running with issues of teacher pay, economy, and woman’s rights. There are two positions open with three democrats running. My two running mates are Right to Lifeers and using the Catholic church against me. They seem to have funds and I am in a poor, single parent district. I am a Catholic but believe in a woman’s right to choose, gay marriage and right to contraceptive freedom. (Just passed in SD, a pharmacist can choose not to give the morning after pill due to his conscious) Give me a break. What a hardship for young girls in the middle of nowhere SD!! I don’t know what kind of help or boost you can give me, but I feel lightened just watching your show. Please keep on keeping on. Thanks, Martha

The Gargoyle Leader finally reveals Madigan’s flippy-flop, tells us Kirshman used to sell snacks, but no mention that Madigan works for the Catholic Church. So telling people someone used to sell snacks is important, but not mentioning a possible conflict of interest with separtion of church and state is not? Same old games at Janklow’s favorite alternative press.

This little Piggy . . .


The Honorable Mike Rounds
Governor, State of South Dakota
500 E. Capitol Avenue
Pierre, South Dakota 57501
Dear Governor Rounds:
At the South Dakota Peace & Justice Center board meeting on May 10, 2008, it was decided to provide the Yankton Sioux Tribal Council, the Yankton Sioux Tribe, and the citizens of Charles Mix County with our complete support regarding their opposition to the Longview Farms hog factory.  Please find attached the letter of support.
As the Executive Board of the South Dakota Peace and Justice Center, we believe it is important for the citizens of South Dakota to respect the sovereign nation of the Yankton Sioux Tribe and to speak out concerning this infringement on their constitutional right to peaceful demonstration, to protect the health and well being of their family members, and to protect the air and water of their community.
Executive Board Members,
Rosalie Little Thunder, President
Linda Edel, Vice-President
Susan Thompson, Secretary
Andrew L’Amour, Treasurer
Norma Wilson, At-Large
Deb McIntyre, Executive Director