
Help a brother (father) out

UPDATE: This story has been getting amazing press the last couple of days and is picking up steam. Tim Johnson’s office has been made aware of the situation and is looking into it, now if he can just find money for Lewis and Clark. May I suggest a forked twig?


I had this sent to me, and will agree with Matt, it is a travesty. You have someone TRYING to get LEGAL citizenship and he is being thrown to the curb. Pretty sad really. That’s bureacracy for ya.

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Matt Hendrickson. I publish a blog here in Madison called “The Jackrabbit’s Den”, which I update whenever I feel like it. I don’t have a lot of readers, per se. And considering I read your blogs on a fairly regular basis, I figured you were the guys that could help me. I’m taking this up as a personal crusade, and as Cory will attest to, I don’t do much crusading! LOLhttp://www.helpfather.com. It’s a website set up by some of the parishioners to promote Father Gallagher’s cause.http://www.ksfy.com/news/19306114.html

One of the spiritual leaders in DeSmet is being kicked out of the country. Father Cathal Gallagher has been the priest at St. Thomas in DeSmet and St. Paul in Iroquois for nearly 10 years. He came to DeSmet as a favor to our former Bishop, Robert Carlson, but absolutely fell in love with the area and the people.

I’ve had the good fortune to meet Father Gallagher many times. He was the priest at my Grandma’s church in Iroquois and was there for her when she was sick, providing comfort and guidance. When she eventually passed away, he was there for me and my family, providing the same comfort and support for all of us. In a world full of bad eggs, this man is the rare golden egg.

Father Gallagher is originally from Ireland. In 2001, he applied for permanent residency. In 2003, his application was approved by the INS. But now because of a bureaucratic SNAFU and the unwillingness of the government bureaucracy to admit when it’s made a mistake, this incredible spiritual leader is facing deportation. He must leave the United States and the parishioners he loves and return to Ireland by July 1st.

Frankly, it sickens me.

In a country where criminals are given chance after chance after chance, it is outrageous that this man, this mild servant of God, is being forced to leave despite committing no crime. When we have people here illegally and doing illegal things and not being punished or sent out of the country, this man, who was trying to follow the laws of the country he loves, has felt the brunt of the Department of Homeland Security. He was at my workplace today (KJAM Radio in Madison) and I saw his eyes… it was like he was struck by a train!

Here’s where I need your help… I’d like you to make mention of this case if at all possible; let your readers know about this great injustice. Also, check out

Yeah, yeah, I know… I’m starting to sound like one of those chain e-mails. But in all seriousness, this is a real person that needs real help. You are my friends, and I know that no matter what your thoughts on faith and religion, an injustice like this cannot be ignored!

It’s funny. My aunt Patty and her family go to St. Thomas and when Father Gallagher said what was happening he said it was “God’s Will.” Before he left the station today, I grabbed his hand and said, “Father, God’s will is also having friends and people who are willing to fight for you.”

I’ll get off my soapbox now… but here’s another link to the story.


Again, thanks for all your help!

–Matt Hendrickson
Author “The Jackrabbit’s Den”
Madison, SD

Once again, the right doesn’t get it.

Mr. PP responds to my post that I have since deleted.

I made a quip about how Pat might not be an advocate for Birth Control if he gets elected to the State House because he has seven kids. Guess what, it was a joke. It reminds me when I was at this farm auction once and these two farmers were talking, and the old one says to the other “How many kids you got now?” and the one farmer replies, “Eight with another on the way.” and the other farmer replies “Whadda, some kind of Sex Addict?” I still laugh about that to this day.

The comments in Pat’s post really had me rolling. First off I would like to say, I wouldn’t vote for Pat if he had zero to 100 kids. He’s a Republican and it is against my religion to vote for Republicans (everyone knows, Jesus was a liberal.) Secondly, I’m no Al Gore Green movement freak, I am however a strong advocate of repsponsible family planning. You can read into that however you want. I’m sure Pat is a fine parent (Todd Epp pointed that out) and I am sure they are well-provided for.

But did anyone get the joke? Well some of you did.

and BTW, they are letting me use the computer lab all summer at school so I can keep my blogs on the internets. Woo-Hoo.

Mystery of the altered Sculpture in SculptureWalk

This is the front of the piece called Guardian.

When this piece was originally installed it had cave paintings on the back side of the figure. They looked kind of cool. I assumed it had something to do with southwest Indian culture. Yesterday I was walking my dog and I noticed the cave paintings were gone on the back of the sculpture. After closer inspection I noticed that they had been coverd up with mesh and more resin then painted over. What was strange about it was the job was done rather hastily and the paint didn’t match the orignal color of the sculpture.

What’s up?

I know artists will have a change of heart, and that wouldn’t surprise me, or it may have been vandalized, but one wonders if the artist was asked to cover it up? Seems weird, because there was nothing offensive about the cave drawings. Maybe they were inaccurate and someone pointed it out. I guess we will never know, since the SW committee is good at keeping secrets.


I talked to someone who works near the sculpture over lunch. He told me that the day the sculpture was installed it DID NOT have the cave paintings on it, then a day or so later they showed up, but were dripping and running when they got wet (so it was done with a magic marker or something similiar that washes away). What he wasn’t sure of is who did it. I assumed that maybe the artist did it, because the drawings looked good enough that it wasn’t the work of a vandal.