
The Ghost of Dude


El Duderama joins the Gargoyle Leader’s reader blogs, and even says some kind things about me. You know, in order to keep posting there your’e going to have to end each post with either a story about your morning run, morning bicycle commute or a Bible verse. I prefer the Bible verse, reading about other people excercising doesn’t inspire me, especially when they are pastey white and ‘Fleshy’.

Props to De

Last night’s city council meeting was more entertaining then the Daily Show last night. I even skipped Margaritas with some friends to stay home and watch. Lot’s of barbs and BS. I’ll have to give props to De Knudson, she railed video lottery and her obvious disgust with it. It was refreshing to here a public official really give their honest opinion on the matter. I think it is a scourge on society and costs us more in social costs then what we make from it. But it didn’t stop the pro-video lottery/I heart Mike Rounds lawyers from showing up crying that the poor bar owners will go broke if they can’t open anymore of their fine establishments.


Of course, General Jamison had to put down the law again, this time with Kermit. Munson even gaveled him. Too bad Litz wasn’t on Kermit’s side, he could of twisted Jamison’s nose.



Click on May 5 video