
Sleeze Metal

Funny. Faster Pussycat (named after a Russ Meyer film) was one of my favorite buttrocker bands of the late 80’s. My High School girlfriend, Erika (Gawd bless her Republican ass, whatever wine tasting she is at this very moment) got me into them. Well when I heard they were playing Dakota Rock Fest I almost crapped my (torn, stonewashed jeans) pants. I mean, with songs like, “Where’s there’s a whip there’s a way” how can you go wrong? Of course at 17 I really did not understand, but testosterone has a funny way of clouding a teenage boy’s mind. If you have never heard of them, I highly suggest you pick up this record, tape, CD or 8-track (they sell MP3’s to).

Long Overdue


The regular editorial board at the Gargoyle Leader must be on vacation, because when I read this column I could hardly believe it. It isn’t everyday Janklow’s favorite alternative press chastises the Pavilion (or actually reports the facts about there financials). Gee, they must be finally realizing that the ship is sinking.

For almost three years I have telling people about the poor management and leadership of the Pavilion. The city has even had some inklings of it when they paid a consulting firm to produce a report about the management company (something the Pavilion pretty much filed in the trash can). Enough already. Once the new CEO, Gary Allan Wood takes over, give him 16 months to produce a 180 in the building, if he cannot acheive that, terminate the management company’s contract, and start over. We can’t keep throwing money in a burn barrell that gives very little back to the community. I’m sorry, but $60 tickets to a musical is hardly appealing to a majority of taxpayers in this town. It is time City Hall grew a sack and put the Pavilion on notice.

My first suggestion to Gary is tell the board of directors who is in charge (and let me give you a hint, it is you.)