
The Irony of it all; The Larry Craig of Cartooning wins for Originality


Best Original Editorial Cartoon

A – All Weekly Newspapers First Place: Meade County Times-Tribune / Nick Vorlage Second Place: Yankton County Observer / Jim Anderson Third Place: Dakota/Lakota Journal / David Kills-A-Hundred

B – All Daily Newspapers First Place: Rapid City Journal / Jason Folkerts Second Place: Black Hills Pioneer / Andy Jacobs Third Place: The Daily Republic / Staff

Biceps Bob and General Jamison at it again



Biceps Bob is becoming quite the inspiration lately. He reminds of a dumb jock I had art class with when I was a Junior in High School. He paid me $50 to do his final art project. He got an A and I got a C.

Only six days after the city election and the councilors have proven once again who they represent first; Business owners. Really guys, do you have any shame? And Bob ‘General Hand-up’ Jamison didn’t help the situation by cutting off a constiuent. Hey Bob, just because your days are numbered on the council doesn’t mean you can be a dick. You work for us, we don’t work for you. And as long as a citizen isn’t threatening or using potty mouth, they can address you however they want. You are not in the military anymore. Get over it.
