
The mainstream media needs to give it a rest.

I don’t always agree with what Hillary, Obama, McCain or what their supporters have to say, which is a good thing. That’s what hopefully still makes our country great, diversity of opinion. There are things I like and dislike about all three running. But recently the media has decided to skewer Obama over his relationship with Pastor Jeremiah Wright and comments Wright made over five years ago. After you cut through the mumbo jumbo, yada, yada, yada and preachy language Wright uses to make his statements you come to the realization that NOT ALL of  Wright’s statements are false or even controversial. Sure he talks different then the rest of us, he is a fire and brimstone pastor from Chicago, but I think his message is very clear;

– 9/11 was inevitable. This is probably true. Clinton attempted to catch Osama and warned the Bush administration when he left office that he was a problem and was determined to attack. Bush and Condi did nothing, and guess what happened? Osama attacked.

– White rich men run our country. This isn’t a racist statement, it’s a fact.

– Our support of Israel aides in violence against Palestine and further inflames the Muslim Mideast. This has been true for a long time. We should be neutral to all nations in the Mideast and in the world.

Once again the media has spun this out of control, like when ABC decided to turn off Dean’s crowd microphone so he sounded like a crazed lunatic. I say listen to what the candidates have to say, and stop listening to the bullshit our main stream media is spreading.