
What ‘liberal media’?

More from the cartoonist article in US News and World report:

Fulltime syndicated editorial cartoonists have gone from 2000 in December of 1999 to 100 today. If the media is so liberal, why did they ditch all these cartoonists (who are mostly progressive). Another reason why I can’t stand BUSH and his media control. In fact, Bill Clinton was the last president to host a cartoonist dinner. Cheney and Bush haven’t even thought about the idea. Like I said before, Conservatives don’t have a sense of humor.



Not sure if you have been over to Bill Janklow’s favorite alternative press website lately, but they changed it . . . again. One of their new features is the staff blogs & guest blogs. I actually enjoy reading them (especially the several posts about negative anonymous people on the internets – NOT). Seriously!? How does that saying go, If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Some people may think I don’t care about negative comments on my blog, and they are right, I don’t. The only thing I get sensitive about is negative comments from my friends about me. If you are anonymous, or I don’t know who you are, I don’t give a rat’s ass. Censorship is much worse then negativity, potty mouth, meaness, ignorance or anger. Please keep writing the staff and guest blogs, I enjoy the read, but if I have to read one more post about mean people, morons and cussers, I’m going to mother-fu*#ing puke. (see front page)