
SOUTH DaCOLA ART CLUB w/Sculpture Walk


“Money makes the world go around, even the art world,” says Costanzo, marketing chairman for SculptureWalk.

And this the main reason SW will continue to be a big yawn. Mediocre art has a pricetag, great art is priceless. Anytime we use art for promotional reasons, we cheapen it. Graphic design and fine art are cousins but not brothers. I think SW in concept is great for SF. I’m critical though of it’s mission and purpose. I have always felt that the exhibit should be in a central location (like Fawick park) and should stand alone. I also don’t agree with the public funding factor if there isn’t any accountability by the organization and it’s arrogant founders.

And why does the founder continue to be a juror? Jim, let some other people pick the art for once. How about some community involvement? Oh that’s right, you just want our money not our opinion.