


The problem with the argument is there is nothing MORALLY wrong with birth control. Why? Because it works one of two ways; either it prevents a sperm from fertilizing an egg or it prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the Uterus (where it needs to go to develop into a child). It has been determined years ago that birth control DOES not induce abortion. Duh.

What I find so silly about the right, and their blogs (except PP) is they do not allow for comments or discussion. But does this really surprise any of us?

UPDATE: (read the last paragraph in this post)


 I stand corrected, you are not WACKY you just are flat wrong.


The difference between squirrels and rats


Hau Mitakiepi:

It is the coldest Night of the Winter tonight. Way below zero around here. I Fall asleep in my warm bed thinking of those stranded, stuck or lost in the cold of the night. I think of my Friends, the Squirrels, who live in the Trees outside my window. Francis Yellow used to remind me: “remember, even though you are at your healthiest, you are really no better off than the most ill of your People”. I used to nod solemnly like I knew something.

Who are the most ill of “my People” then? Those who are called alcoholic, homeless, and unemployed? The most unhealthy are the ones who live in the Trees down by the River like Squirrels? Or are they the ones sitting out a life sentence up on “The Hill” for committing fratricide? The most sick of my Relatives are getting arrested by the wasicu for panhandling in their own Homelands, aren’t they?

The Trees outside my window hold many Squirrels within the roundness of their trunks and limbs. I wonder if they are prepared for this supercold. I want to offer them a warm place, somehow. I want to teach them that they can come to my window when it is really, really cold, and they can crash out here.

As I ponder the thought more and more, I realize that my Noble Friend the Squirrel would become nothing more than pretty rats if I domesticated them…if I erased their Original Instructions…if I altered their Sacred(powerful) Path(way of being). I realize The Squirrel would never accept the periphery of wasicu society like the rat does. The Squirrel would never choose the warmth of the fringes of fat-taking over the cold of the Trees. They would rather freeze in Health than slumber in disease.

The most ill of “my People”, then, are those who are warm in a bed. They are the ones with enough breathing room to consider who is or isn’t “the most ill”. I am one of those made sick by comfort. I am one struck lame by warmth and health.

Hecetuwelo, Wanbli WiWohkpe He Emacia



Golly, could this week get any better? It seems Janklow’s favorite Alternative Press figured out their rag just wasn’t cutting it anymore. Their ‘Entertainment’ editor is leaving for greener pastures (and more ice) and moving to Fargo. I’ll miss old tube socks Boberta, we have had an interesting relationship, let’s just say we weren’t ‘Friends’. He did have some words of wisdom for me in his last column though. And I thank him for it. But unlike his employer I don’t have PC editors looming over me and deciding what I can and cannot say on my Blog. You’ll be missed.

Is Bob Keyes coming back?

His love note to me:

“Hate that the most outspoken voices in Sioux Falls come from some of the most ignorant mouths in the crowd. Please, somebody with intelligence and scope, start talking or writing or painting or something. Don’t let the dunces with blogs or political buttons have the final say.”


I went into the archives and found this post from June of 2006 on $25 dollar paintings:

Well I was doing a little end of the year email cleanup and I came across these 2 emails I sent to Argus Leader entertainment columnist, Robert Morast.

I’m in a better mood now.


June 22, 2006


Your column today was funny, was that a humourous piece, like the one you
wrote about pyramids and arcades?

Um, I don’t recall Sumlin playing in Dylan’s or Joni Mitchell’s band. Did I
miss something? As far as I remember he was Howlin Wolf’s guitar player and
had a short stint with Muddy Waters. Every guitar player from Clapton to
Richards have said they were influenced by him. But folk? Come on Bob! You
read to many comic books!

Also, I love the cleanup job your fellow under-paid co-workers had to do with
Laurel at Food and Ferm, making a cute little video about her cooking skills.
How did that make you feel? I felt bad for you. I mean, really, how can you be
a ‘cutting edge’ reporter when your co-workers are constantly apologizing for
your inaccurate and editorialized style of reporting? Makes you wonder why
readership is down?

Maybe you should start a couple more meaningless magazines. Here’s some ideas:

Jana’s guide to successful kid’s birthday parties

Eric’s magazine about nothing

Everything you need to know about grunge bands and some other made up stuff.

It’s been fun,


July 1, 2006


I was a little upset you didn’t write me back last time, maybe your email
wasn’t working, you were in the middle of the Star Wars Triology or you were
giving Nick Simon a backrub, who knows, who cares? We both know neither one of
us have time for the truth.

Your two articles this week got me laughing once again (U shur ar’ pro-lific).
I’m not going to comment on the downtown one even though I will give you
credit on the drug reference, very clever, I never knew you had it in you.

Though many things were factually wrong with your Joan Jett article (which
we’ve come to expect out of you) I want to instead focus on your comment about
Courtney Love being the Queen of Rock. I had to go home early for lunch today
because I pissed my pants laughing after reading that. Courtney Love has
contributed only one thing in her life, she had Kurt Cobain’s child, that’s
it! (oh, and she keeps a lot of farmers in Afghanistan in business).

Though Joan is a contender for the position of Queen of Rock, I would probably
give the title to Patti Smith or Etta James. Blobby, it is really time you
stopped wearing diapers and threw away your ‘Nevermind’ CD.

Tube Socks and Stocking Caps forever!

PS- I think I’m going to start emailing Jana from now on instead of you. Her
three stars to the Pizza Ranch contributed partially to my soiled pants.
Maybe ‘I’ should start wearing diapers.