

For a brief moment last night you probably saw some pretty crazy things posted on here – that I have now deleted. I apologize for hastily posting.  At the time I was disgusted, saddened and very angry surrounding the circumstances of Jason Folkerts’ resignation in the SD editorial cartooning world.

After I posted his decision to resign and the (assumed) reasons behind it, I went and had a cocktail (or two, or three) with a close friend. We talked about the incident and of course we got into a conversation at the bar with man about politics. To my surprise it was well known Democrat Bob Sivertson (who I have never met before).

After I got home, I started thinking about what the purpose of this blog should be, and it’s simple; to expose the wacky right and it’s policies and to promote art and other cartoonists, not to trash them. After a phone call from my drinking buddy, she convinced me to take down the posts.

I figure Jason will have to explain his resignation to a lot of people over the next couple of weeks and months. It’s his responsibility, not mine. I just hope his bad decisions don’t affect the public’s perception of cartoonists in our community, they really are a great lot, that look out for each other and are quick to defend artistic integrity. Ironically, this is how this all came to head. But, It’s time to move on.

BTW – A note to Jason: You are not welcome here anymore. Once bitten, twice shy – Bro.