
DECEMBER 19, 2007


So let me get this straight. It’s OK for a pharmacist to deny a woman birth control pills but a gas station clerk can’t deny a man condoms. What’s the difference? Seems like a double standard to me. Birth control should be available to everyone, regardless of a pharmacist’s beliefs. The quickest way to end abortion is by education and birth control, not legislation by middle-aged men who haven’t had sex in twenty years.



Named after my Boston Terrier ‘Sodapop’ I decided the name was appropriate (SodaPop/SouthDaCola). I’ve been throwing around the idea of self-publishing a book after the first of the year that features political cartoons and political artwork that I have done, and figured I would just self publish it. I may also include satirical poems and other political ramblings. I’ll probably just do a few copies at first and have them available at my various ‘Haunts’ in town.

Watch out Jon Lauck!

Any rich Republicans want to help $$$ me out?