
Is a Foot Motorized Scooter rental business coming to Sioux Falls?

Just curious, does anyone know who is starting a rental business for foot motorized scooters in Sioux Falls? Councilors Jensen and Erickson are bringing an ordinance change Tuesday night to license them. I am assuming they wouldn’t be doing this unless someone asked them to. Would have been really nice to get an informational to the public about it. When I was in California a few weeks ago they are everywhere.

Item #64 on the Regular Agenda.

Isn’t ironic that the city council has time to create ordinances for friend’s businesses that don’t even exist yet, but sit on their hands over a law that passed with around 70% of the vote. What a bunch of losers.

Hick Cities in South Dakota are figuring out Medical Marijuana, Why can’t Sioux Falls?

Besides the fact that our city council and mayor’s office is on cruise control, our legal department is being ran by lazy numbskulls.

Just listen to the common sense legal advice from Mitchell’s City Attorney Justin Johnson;

“If we don’t put anything in place, then it is essentially the Wild West. I think it is important we get our regulations in the books even if we have to come back and make changes down the road,” Johnson said. “There is importance in getting our regulations in place before the state laws become effective, and the zoning side of things will determine where these types of businesses can be located and operate.”

Yeah! What a concept, making changes later (if they have to) and having something in place so there isn’t chaos on July 1st.

I’ve lost all confidence in the supposed legal advice our city attorney gives, heck, he doesn’t even understand the 1st Amendment and prior restraint. I think it is pretty embarrassing and frankly egregious that towns like Yankton and Mitchell can figure out this simple law (which is spelled out in the initiative that passed into law) but for some reason in Minnehaha County and Sioux Falls we are too busy having secret meetings with our lobbyist (Municipal League) to find ways to kick the can down the road instead of facing reality.

If Commissioner Barth didn’t go to the media and myself, we would have never heard a peep from Councilor Neitzert and his secret endeavors and his hatred towards open government. At least we still have a handful of elected officials in local government who are willing to blow the whistle, it’s just too bad we have to look to local officials in much smaller cities for legislating common sense. Time to turn off the cruise control Paul and start being a mayor.

Sioux Falls City Council Chair Soehl is quite the Authoritarian

The newly elected chair, Curt Soehl, has quite the authoritarian streak. Yesterday while chairing several of the meetings he kept limiting public input to 15 minutes or about 3 people. They should not be scheduling these meetings back to back and should be spreading them out over a couple of days. But this does not give him an excuse to limit public input, it is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment in reference to prior restraint.

While I thought maybe this was just a one-time decision someone told me he pulled the same trick today at the 10:30 AM, downtown library Working Session. Hey, I get it, they don’t like open government, that’s why they have meetings in the middle of the morning at the library instead of Carnegie, but now it seems they want to limit it also to the ones that can actually attend. I have never seen so much disdain towards the public’s opinion on matters. Yes, the council hasn’t been very open for a long time, but now there seems to be a lot of openness about NOT being open. They seem to wear it like a badge.

As for the meeting itself, it was a bunch of Covid money handouts to the Parks Department projects including more tennis courts, because you know, it is such a huge sport in Sioux Falls, LOL. I am often reminded of this when I drive by the parking lot at the Huether tennis center with 2-3 cars in the lot. Wondering if we will ever get our Half-Million back.

Speaking of open government and transparency, during the working session yesterday, I found it a bit bizarre that the council hasn’t asked the very people who wrote IM26 (Medical Marijuana) to be a part of the discussion. Wouldn’t you want the very people who wrote the successful measure to help advise you on what is in it? Or do we want to just do whatever we want to (basically sitting on our hands) then come up with regulations without their input then let them sue us? Seems counterproductive to me. Not sure the council or county commission has done their research (not likely) but the national movement to decriminalize marijuana has a lot of Benjamins behind it and they take their investments seriously.

This is what you get when you have a local government that works behind closed doors, is not transparent, limits public input and does the bidding of big business instead of the work of the people. All the hub-bub about TIFs, Mary Jane regulations, zoning, etc. doesn’t mean a hill of beans if you don’t operate government in the open. As I said last week, only crooks, scammers and schemers do business behind closed doors. Add authoritarians to that list.

More info on TIFs

Some of these stories and studies are NOT totally pessimistic about TIFs, but they all have an underlying theme, there really is little benefit to TIFs if they are NOT used for their original intent, cleaning up blight and providing affordable housing.

Why Tax Increment Financing Often Fails and How Communities Can Do Better (lincolninst.edu)

Dzigbede-MFC-07-15-19.pdf (brookings.edu)

FiscalTIF-20160129.pdf (cberdata.org)

Lester-Tax-Increment-Financing-in-Chicago-Working-Paper-2-12-13-FINAL-rm.pdf (unc.edu)

Improving Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for Economic Development (taxpayersci.org)

The Promises and Pitfalls of TIF in the St. Louis Metropolitan Region: A Look at Neighborhood Disparities (core.ac.uk)

Illinois Issues: TIF—The Swiss-Army Knife Development Tool | Illinois Public Media News | Illinois Public Media

(PDF) The death and life of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) (researchgate.net)

Has TIF been successful for economic development in Iowa? | The Gazette

Report: TIFs fall short of economic development promises (illinoispolicy.org)

This is the problem with the Media

While many people out there want to blame the media for fake news because of right or left leanings, I have often argued that is not the problem at all, it’s the news rooms being owned by their sponsors. Back in the day of old timey news the news room separated itself from the ad room, they practically share a desk now.

We don’t have to look to Fox, CNN or MSNBC we can look locally. How many negative stories have we heard about the major healthcare providers in Sioux Falls? Not many. There was even a large car dealership fined once for fraudulent advertising practices by the Feds, and one TV station didn’t even mention their name (or is it there name)?

Even local politicians are not challenged. As I have pointed out, there are hundreds of verifiable research studies about the harm of TIFs done by some the nations leading universities economic departments, basically they never pay for themselves, but not one single media group in South Dakota has done a comprehensive story about the negative effects of TIFs.

It is, as Mr. Oliver points out, because they are owned by their sponsors. This is the problem with the media. It has little to nothing to do with politics.