I’m for Edwards.Is it because I think he is a swell guy? Nope. In fact there is probably more things I don’t like about Edwards than I do like about him. But make no mistake, he is the ONLY Democratic candidate capable of beating a Republican. Does that make me a woman hater or a racist because I’m not for Hillary or Obama. Nope. Makes me a realist. To tell you the truth, I think if Obama continues to be a strong leader in Washington, he will be president SOMEDAY.That being said I’m going to go out on a limb and make my pre-primary predictions.Last week I was telling everyone that Edwards was going to take second in Iowa, I’m going to say he is going to take a close 1st with Obama with about a one-point difference and Hillary in 3rd. There has been a lot of grassroots press coming out of Iowa that has Edwards in 1st place in almost every caucus in Iowa. Doesn’t surprise me, he has been campaigning hard and he is considered a moderate Democrat who takes very little special interest lobbyist money (he claims he doesn’t take any, but we all know better (cough) trial lawyers (cough, cough).Let the Big media talk about Oprah all they want, Edwards has sealed the deal in Iowa.