
Sioux Falls City Council March 2nd meeting video disappears for a few days

While the minutes of the meeting were are up, the video was non-existent until 5 PM today. In fact, the part of the meeting where they discussed and voted on the disastrous TIF-23 didn’t even live stream that night, and neither did the mask discussion and vote. So while our city council votes to approve one of the worst boondoggles in the history of city, which will increase taxes on homeowners, increase crime and create an enormous housing shortage there was NO live video. We had to wait two days to watch the replay which mysteriously works now and was recorded but couldn’t livestream. Hmmmm.

There is a part of me that is getting a little suspicious how these meetings are crashing and disappearing when controversial items come up. If they were not so inept you would think they are doing this on purpose. I have suggested for several years now that the city needs to livestream the meetings on YouTube at no cost to tax payers.

The sad part is that the citizens and even the city councilors are powerless legally to force the city and the administration to fix the online agenda software. While they have thrown millions at it, it continues to get worse and worse.

I find it ironic that an administration that talks about being so technologically advanced can’t get the online streaming to work.

Like I said, I mostly blame it on blatant ignorance and laziness, but some are starting to wonder why these breakdowns only coincide with major agenda items?

Welcome to cruise control government and the continued HATEFEST on open government and transparency.

After pointing out the dismal attendance of the Planning Commission it gets a change up

It seems the change up didn’t help much since only 6 members attended tonight out of the 9 member board. You will notice by looking at the new list that many members who were not showing up to meetings over the past year have been replaced with temporary terms**.

Once again the TenHaken administration has been busily rearranging deck chairs hoping no one notices. Cruise Control government at it’s best, hopefully we don’t have any unexpected freezing rain.

Members of the Sioux Falls Planning Commission

Nine members (including one chair person) are appointed by the Mayor to serve five year terms.

  • (Vice-Chair) John Paulson – Term Expires – May 2021
  • Bradyn Neises – Term Expires – May 2021**
  • Dana Fisher – Term Expires – May 2021**
  • Sean Ervin – Term Expires – June 2023*
  • Larry Luetke – Term Expires – June 2023*
  • (Chair) Eric Nyberg – Term Expires – May 2024
  • Aaron Norman – Term Expires – July 2024*
  • Kurt Johnson – Term Expires – May 2024*
  • Janet Kittams – Term Expires – April 2025

 * Second Term
** Assumed Previous Members Term

What is Corey Lewandowski prepping Noem for?

A lot of people have been wondering about the political relationship between Corey and Kristi. They were seen on the Trump campaign trail together quite a bit, and recently Corey was at CPAC peddling posters for Kristi. Also, you can see in the top photo what appears to be Corey hunting with Noem on her Ranch? It’s hard to see him, but in one of the takes in the video she says his name, so it could be him or someone else named Corey?

It’s pretty obvious that Kristi’s close relationship with Trump’s former campaign manager (2016) that he is prepping her for something bigger than congress or governor. At least both of them have at least one friend 🙂

Who is paying for the $500K road screwup by the Minnehaha County Jail?

I joked with someone yesterday when asked what I thought about all the turmoil in Brandon (no police chief, no mayor) that it seemed the city is just on cruise control and about to pull a Ravnsborg and hit the ditch. I’m starting to wonder the same thing about the City of Sioux Falls and Minnehaha County.

Remember all the endless road construction on the road in front of the jail last year? The road construction was supposed to be in conjunction with the new jail, but apparently when all is said and done, when it rains the road causes water to run down into the jail’s door. The price tag to fix it? $500K. There also seems to be a debate about who should pay for this colossal f’up? County or City? The county says they over budgeted for the jail so they have the money to fix the screwup the city caused and they don’t want anybody with the city to get angry with them. While the city was responsible for the road, I am curious why the taxpayers should foot the bill? What about our anger? Shouldn’t the engineer and contractor fix their mistake at their expense? That’s how it works in the real world. I had a friend a few years ago that had a leaky roof after her roof was re-shingled. After wrangling back and forth with the contractor he agreed to fix it at his expense. That is how these things work. But it seems like these days when contractors screw up roofs, windows, siding or HVAC systems for city owned facilities, we the taxpayers have to foot the bill and our cruise control government just says ‘oh well’.

I’m starting to think the Mayor’s office, the City Attorney’s office, the HR department, the Health Department and the Public Works department seem to all be on cruise control these days. I think everyone went to work from home at the beginning of the pandemic, fell asleep and never woke up.