Martin Short’s hilarious character returns to interview Maher about his best selling book. It has been a very long time since I have laughed this hard.

“You’re teeth are all caps like an email from grandma.”

In Politics: The South Dakota Democratic Party (SDDP) held their state convention last week, selecting a PUC candidate, a National Committeeman and Committeewoman, delegates to the National Convention in Chicago in August, and writing a platform that supposedly will lay the foundation to attract voters to the Democratic Party. I hope they produced a useful document for, as they argued and voted on the platform plank after plank, the Republican statewide plurality in voter registration increased by another 100 voters, bring the overall increase in the voter registration deficit of Democrats compared to Republicans to 11,460 voters since the current leadership recalled Jennifer Slaight Hansen last August. I wonder if SDDP’s leadership ever questions their direction. Perhaps they will find some secret sauce in Chicago in August to turn their ship around. We will just have to wait and see.

I was at Falls Park a little bit ago and it smelled of sewage and fertilizer. So besides the great stench of the packing plant and the endless train whistles you now have one of the most polluted water ways in South Dakota (and 13th in the nation) running past your residence. Can’t beat luxury downtown living! I’ll stick with my 1888, 900 sq ft home 🙂 at least we don’t have tampons running down the street . . . yet.

Folks this is what happens when you have people in government who are climate change deniers that have not set any strategic plans going forward for our infrastructure. There has been at least 4 major water main breaks downtown in the past month (maybe more) alone. Stop spending money on ego projects!

Of course, the director for Siouxland Libraries lives in Minnesota and would be ineligible, and she makes about $5K more a year then the mayor, but her latest performance on Inside Town Hall was fantastic. She talked about strategic planning and it’s importance. I thought to myself, maybe Jodi needs to be the COS or heck even a city manager (once we get rid of the home rule charter). It was refreshing to hear a city director who not only works their butt off but knows what the heck they are talking about!


I pointed out last week that the additional subsidy of $200K to the Veterans Tiny Home community seemed shady, well I wasn’t the only one that thought that. After Councilor Soehl made a stink about the legal agreements and gifting during the 1st reading the council was advised at 2nd reading to defer until September so the agreements can be updated.

Yeah right.

This happened so quickly in the meeting I can guarantee this will get killed before September.

Seems odd that they have been talking (privately) about purchasing the Sanford Wellness Facility for years (according to councilor Soehl) yet no one discussed the operating expenses.

I will give you a funny example. A few years back a gentleman came to the zoning board for an adjustment so he could expand his garage (wanted to make it longer). I think the board denied the request after his reason for the expansion. He bought a new truck and it didn’t fit in the garage.

The Sanford facility isn’t a good fit for the city and we should have NEVER purchased it until we ran the operating expenses. We bought a big truck that doesn’t fit in the fricking garage.

Maybe we need to have the zoning board making these decisions instead of a bunch of green horn councilors. They seem to understand the concept of the cart before the horse.


Speaking of our Parks System, I have been seeing a trend lately, adults that should know better riding electric foot scooters on the rec trail without an ADA pass. Keep horsing around with the wrong mobility devices on the trail and the next thing you know the only thing that will be permitted is the golf cart tours from the nursing home downtown (they do this quite often).

Abuse a right and watch it disappear.