family tree


While you pinkos are out burning american flags, railing against the true Christian foundation of this great nation, trying to steal our guns, and bowing at the feet of the Obamassiah, we REAL AMERICANS are quietly repopulating the country with future PATRIOTS.

Your vile works of “art” mocking our LORD will be burned by the next generation according to a very prominent servant of God.

The culture war is up for grabs. The good news is that religious conservatives continue to breed like rabbits, while secular saboteurs have shut down: they’re too busy walking their dogs, going to bathhouses and aborting their kids.

Though Sally is sterile (I see to that every other week with bleach and hot water), other REAL AMERICANS continue to outbreed you birth-control-loving, debaucherous, baby-killing pinkos by leaps and bounds.

See ya later (unfruitful) fornicators!

Minuteman out

It’s not every day we can sit back in our secure bunkers, and rest easy knowing there are some in this new generation of heathens who truly are Real Americans. This kid is one of them, and is dead on about the president of Kenya:



Yeah! In your face, Pinkos!!!

The kid’s t-shirt displays his true patriotism even better:


It’s good to know we have a new generation of Real Americans ready to carry the flag for us when we pass on to eternity. Hopefully, his parents were smart enough to hold him out of public schools, and build a secure bunker stocked with ammo and gold coins for him to ride out the coming apocolypse to emerge as our new ultra-president/potentate and lead us down the Real American path.

See ya later, fornicators!

Minuteman out

In these trying times of woe, when our own illegitimate president from Kenya is attempting to destroy our economy, take over all our hospitals, and kill our grannies, it’s nice to know we can still count on the LORD to send us true Real American Patriots like Michelle Bachmann.


On a conference call the other day, along with North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx – who correctly exposed the murder of that gay kid in Wyoming as a hoax, and former Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave – who bravely stood her ground even as it became obvious that the people of her district had mistakenly elected her Godless heathen democrat opponent, Bachmann exposed president Barry Hussein’s true agenda:

“We all need to consider that in God’s timing that he may have allowed us, as members of Congress, to be in the position that we’re in just for this specific issue right now,” she said. “Everything that all of us have worked together and labored for over the years, all of it could be undermined with this one bill. President Obama realizes that. The radicals that are on the pro-abortion left, they realize that. They could win it all. And the unborn, and the vulnerable, the disabled and those at the end of life could lose it it all.”

Without such brave Real American Patriots in the halls of congress, people might start believing the myths that the government doesn’t want to send your grandmas to government-run glue factories.


See ya later, fornicators!

Minuteman out.

The office of Kenya’s president and his collaborators within our military released more photos this week of the president’s luxury jet flying over New York City (that place where you liberals get your picante sauce).

If you look close enough, you can see the liberal pantywaists running for their lives from their own Chosen One. LOL


Obviously, this is some sort of reconnaissance mission being flown in support of a future terrorist act by Bill Ayres in concert with Al Qaeda Zombie Saddam Hussein.

Grab your ankles, folks. The Obamanator won’t stop when he’s done levelling New York City. When all his chess pieces are in place, the whole of Christendom will be rounded up and either be forced to convert to his heathen religion or get their head lopped off by a scimitar.

Meanwhile, Sally and I will be laughing at you from the bunker out here in Real America.

See ya later, fornicators!

Minuteman Out.