Good question.

Councilor Staggers has asked the question several times and City Hall refuses to give him an answer. He brings it up again on Inside Town Hall last week. I guess it didn’t sit well with the beauracratic department heads. How dare they have to reveal how they are (wastefully) spending our money!

He also talks about other open government issues;

Inside Town Hall – January 5, 2009

Openness in Government – Council member Kermit Staggers discusses his views on how to keep city government open to all citizens.

Are we all just a bunch of helpless Prairie Dogs to our state legislators. Prove them wrong.

I’m starting to wonder if politicians are capable of making cuts instead of continuing tax and fee increases?

Increases in taxes and fees that would affect almost all South Dakotans are under consideration, as are cuts to a variety of services and programs.

The $3.67 billion budget Gov. Mike Rounds proposed in December would have spent down reserves and raised user fees that in some instances haven’t been touched since the 1980s.

The rest of us have been making cuts in our personal budgets, I have been for at least for the past 12 months, I would expect the same out of our government.

And the finger-pointing has already started.

Senate Minority Leader Scott Heidepriem of Sioux Falls says the Senate already works cooperatively.

“The problem the last two years was the House,” which ceded its power to Rounds, he said. “Whether they do that again remains to be seen.”

The Republicans just don’t get it.

The problem with poking into every crevice and cranny in government is there is little to be gained, Rave said. Almost 75 percent of the budget is devoted to health, human and social services – such as Medicaid – to schools and local governments or corrections. These are areas where the state has constitutional obligations and where great amounts of federal funding are leveraged by state matching money.

What House Republican leader Tim Rave does not understand is that 25% of a $3.67 Billion dollar budget is a lot of f’ing money. Start cutting chief.

And Charlie Brown steps up to the plate, other SD Republicans need to follow his example (and I’m not just saying this because Dusty likes my site – wink, wink).

Dusty Johnson, Public Utilities Commission Chairman, said the PUC has reduced costs by doing all regulatory filings online.

This next item could be a good move in the right direction for citizens;

Secretary of State Chris Nelson has also heard rumors legislators might be asked to revise the initiative process by which citizens can get issues such as abortion, video lottery and smoking bans on the ballot,

Our legislators don’t represent us anymore. Mark my words, IMO, a total smoking ban will fail. My guess is that it will only go in effect for restaurants, and the powerful video lottery lobby will twist legislators balls into voting against banning them. It is time for citizens to stand up and say “We will decide what is best for us, because you are wasting our f’ing time.”

And let’s finish with this piece of fluff

“I think there will be some key votes in the first couple of weeks,” Heidepriem says. “I can’t predict now what they will be. But there will be clear indications whether people will lay down partisan markers or will work together.”

And once again, a politician has given himself an out. Go figure.

When we bury the truth, we do not bury consequences. We only stand in the way of the American people. We keep this government of, by, and for the people from working as it should. And when we are complicit in burying the truth, we need to know well that we are also complicit in burying ourselves . . .                        Dan Rather

I want everyone to know that though this site may be rude, sarcastic, snarky, nasty, offensive and downright rotten sometimes, it is in the pursuit of the truth. Though there are many ways to pursue the truth, I choose satire, it is what I am most comfortable with. And for those of you that understand, I welcome you. For those of you who don’t, I encourage you to educate yourselves. Apathy, ignorance and denial will destroy this democratic nation. Dissent, knowledge, diplomacy and practicing our civil liberties will make us great.

Alexander Hamilton, a deist, a founding father and our first Treasury Secretary did not run for president because he had to admit to his peers that he was paying some guy to screw his wife.

Another letter to the editor about how our country was founded under God (ironically by deists);

Our country was founded on the words “In God we trust” and “One country under God.”

The letter writer doesn’t mention Christianity, so I hope she knows that the founding fathers were referring to all references of God not just Christianity. And BTW “one nation under God” was not added to the pledge of allegience until the 20th century to scare the Russians.

Florida Congresswoman thinks Floridian Radio DJ Pranksters call from Chicago?!

On Wednesday, the Republican congresswoman got a call from President-elect Barack Obama, didn’t believe it was him, and hung up on him. Twice.

What’s so odd about that? Mike Rounds would do the same, even if he new Barry was on the phone. “We have to save money in telecommunications for the state. This year we are sending out invitations to the Governor’s hunt by carrier pigeon.”

Bush once again blames everyone else for his problems. Seems they teach classes about that at AA;

Gibson: You’ve always said there’s no do-overs as president. If you had one —

Bush: The biggest regret of all the presidency has to have been the intelligence failure in Iraq. A lot of people put their reputations on the line and said, you know … the weapons of mass destruction is a reason to remove Saddam Hussein. It wasn’t just people in my administration, and um … You know, that’s not a do-over, but I wish the intelligence had been different, I guess.

I guess he was upset that the intelligence he WANTED didn’t turn out to be the intelligence he NEEDED to justify the war. And why do people continue to defend this jerkoff?