1st Amendment

A movie suggestion to Jerstad; America vs. Larry Flynt

A word to the wise; don’t mess with people’s constitutional rights, it can come back to bite you in the ass;

Sandy Jerstad says, “Well obviously you know I think that he did it to get back at me for writing legislature to regulate that kind of business and I would like to see it taken down, but I am not sitting around worrying about it.”

How is he getting back at you Sandy, he had such kind words;

Eliason says, “They do a lot to make South Dakota a better place to live. And it’s important we show that year round, not just at election time.”

Homeland Security Gone Wrong: The Story of Star Simpson


A year ago yesterday, an MIT student was arrested and nearly killed at Boston Logan airport. Her crime: wearing a home-made hoodie with a LED circuit-board sewn into it. This is her first interview since the event. A full transcript is at the bottom of the page or those who don’t want ot watch the video.

I remember the right-wing blogosphere jumping all over her like she was either a terrorist or some sort of social miscreant. Turns out she was just there to pick up a friend. if this is the level of police stupidity we’re willing to allow to protect us from terrorists, then they’ve already won.

Personally, I think Ms. Simpson should sue everyone from the cops, to the airport authority, to homeland security for putting her through a year of absolute Hell.

800 SD Churches rally against the 1st Amendment . . uh . . I mean abortion

You would think that churches would be the biggest defenders of separation of church and state? They always claim that atheists are the ones that benefit from it, but it is the exact opposite. I think the main objective of the separation of government and religion is so you can worship freely.

Churches and pastors can tell their congregations whatever they want to, from the pulpit, the 1st Amendment guarantees that right, but when they weigh in on political issues they are over stepping their boundries and should have to pay taxes as a PAC not a church.

The worst part about this is that churches are being manipulated by the Initiative 11 people. The exceptions really are non-existant and they plan to strip them in the state legislature if this measure passes anyway.

It’s one thing to manipulate voters, it is another low to manipulate your parishoners.