Alex Jensen

Puzzling mailing in Sioux Falls City Council race

As a person who has helped get FOUR Sioux Falls city councilors and a Democrat elected to the legislature in a conservative district, I often shake my head when I see things like above. While I could certainly go on a very long rant about everything wrong with this mailing, I will only say one thing. If you are running against a popular incumbent, you never, ever attack them in your introductory mailing. I am incredibly baffled as to who is giving this poor soul campaign advice (well I do know who). FAIL!

UPDATE: Is Count Jensen setting up a hurdle track race?

UPDATE: This sign is placed in the boulevard which is a violation of political sign placement, but here’s what makes it even more ironic, it is in front of a house that is owned by a former city director.

Well, at least he isn’t putting them illegally in the boulevard. People in the neighborhood told me that showed up in the middle of the night, well duh (snark).

Count Jensen’s endorsement list disappears from Facebook

While this endorsement list still is on ‘another’ blog, the post was deleted from Jensen’s and SF Politics Facebook pages. I’m not sure why. I wonder if some of the people listed got a little nervous? I wasn’t reading the comments, but I heard there was some negativity about the big wheels on the list. Here is the list. I don’t know all of the people that are listed, but the ones I do know are heavy hitters in the bankster and development community;

James Abbott
Jaclyn and Micah Aberson
Jake Anderson
Vince Anderson
John Archer
Katie Ashmore
Catherine and David Barranco
Lisa and Miles Beacom
Tanner Beukelman
Deb and Jack Billion
Raquel Blount
Paige and Matt Bock
Dennis Breske
Ryan Brown
Vernon Brown
Molly and Ryan Budmayr
Dr. Seri and Shad Carney
Dr. Tom and Ginny Christopherson
Dan Costello
Kent Cutler
Emily and Chris Daugaard
Linda and Dennis Daugaard
Dan Doyle
Drew Duncan
Dana Dykhouse
Joel Dykstra
Troy and Natalie Eisenberg
Jim Entenman
Councilor Christine and Tony Erickson
Scott Erickson
Julio Espino
Rick Everist
Rob Fagnan
Lucas Fiegen
Laura and Ryan Gardner
Shelly and Mike Gardner
James Gaspar
Tyler Goff
Dustin Haber
Craig Hagen
Alex Halbach
Larry Hamre
Chad Hatch
Brent Hodgkiss
Jordan Huisman
Tom Hurlbert
Mike Jamison
Russ Janklow
Anna and Brad Jankord
Maren and Max Jensen
Maria Harrington and Sam Jensen
Paula and Bill Jensen
Brendan Johnson
Troy Jones
Macy Kaiser
Jon Kirby
Steve Kirby
Ryan Konz
Kate and Nick Kotzea
Molly and Josh Kuehl
Reggie Kuipers
Scott Lawrence
Mark Lee
Mark Lovre
Alexis Konstant and Marcus Mahlen
Alissa and Eric Matt
Eric McDonald
Amanda and Tom McKnelly
Mark Mickelson
Doug Muth
Martha and Tom Nelson
Tony Nour
Erik Nyberg
Rob Oliver
Karine and Matt Paulson
Marianne and Steve Perkins
Deb Peters
Rachel Petersen
Lucas Peterson
Kia and Ryan Pidde
Nikki Rassmussan
David Ratchford
Tony Reiss
Dave Roetman
Joel Rosenthal
Amber Rouse
Dave Rozenboom
Steve Sarbacker
Darrell Schmith
Matt Schoppert
Cindy Schoppert-Pickett
Dr. Ryan and Cady Sivertson
Alex Soundy
Ryan Spellerberg
Brad Stearns
Bob and Lori Sutton
Chris Thorkelson
Bobbi and Luke Tibbetts
Kevin Tupy
Carol Twedt
Ryan Tysdal
Tony Venhuizen
Sara Waldner
Anna and Dane Yde
Bishop Emeritus David Zellmer

Count Jensen Continues to Grasp at Straws when it comes to policy

In this day in age when politicians say one thing and do the exact opposite, it seems like the new norm. In a press release Jensen was bragging about the ‘business elite’ endorsements he received (because you know their vote counts more than yours – LOL) and said this;

As a city councilor, Alex will work to keep taxes low, while understanding the critical need to invest in the future.

While in the legislature, Alex voted for one of the highest sales tax increases in the history of the state, which has been a complete failure in supporting education and teacher pay, and has yet to be repealed or amended.

If Jensen gets on the city council, I expect him to do as the RS5 has done for several years, vote for large tax and fee increases at the detriment of the working Janes and Joes while the business elite (who endorsed him) enjoy their corporate welfare, tax breaks, taxpayer incentives and TIFs.

You can say you are going to keep taxes low, but your record says a different thing. Better wear garlic on election day.

UPDATE: Count Jensen continues to lack policy stances

Update: Drinking Liberally touched on the race today in their weekly email, good stuff (and this is coming from a liberal Democrat);

In Politics: Locally: Theresa Stehly, much to the chagrin of the Mayor and his rubber stamp of five City Councilors, announced she would seek reelection to the City Council. Someone reportedly said, “Yes, she was right that the new $25 million dollar City Hall was built prematurely. And, yes, she was correct that the city shouldn’t have built the $21 million dollar parking ramp for Journey Construction’s phantom hotel and retail development downtown before a contract and a performance bond was properly in place. And, yes, she was right about many other things, but geez, she is such a pain in the ‘ass’. You know how those piano teachers are, always so precise, insisting that you hit the right note. Hell, the city has a half a Billion dollar budget, what is $10 million here and $10 million there. Let the City Council do its job in peace.”

While I question that sentiment, luckily for the-powers-that-be, Alex Jensen, a banker at Denny Sanford’s Premier Bank, has announced he will run for Teresa’s Council seat and has already raised $70,000.00 in his effort. As someone noted, “If they can buy this election, they are going to buy it. They may have to erect another statue or two to Denny Sanford, but they plan on getting the money they need.” To the-powers-that-be, it is important to eliminate the light Theresa shines on the business of the City.”

Some people call it corruption, others consider it business as usual. To the people supporting Alex Jensen, they want government the way it should be, with them in control, unquestioningly.

I chuckled at the Piano teacher reference. I joked with Theresa a few weeks ago when we were discussing her decision to run, “I find it funny that people would call a middle-aged, single, female, self-employed piano teacher a bully and a meanie, and probably a lot of other colorful words behind the scenes. They are mad, they are mad that someone with that profile dares to speak out on behalf of the citizenry.”

Sneveliscious over at the part-time daily wrote a good article about the Stehly vs. Jensen matchup.

The one the thing that is clearly missing from the article is Count Jensen’s lack of policy stances;

Jensen has the money and support of the chamber types, the who’s-who of the South Dakota GOP and even some sitting councilors he hopes to begin working with this spring.

Unlike most races where the incumbent has the upper hand, it’s the challenger that’s raised an unprecedented amount of money and is seen as the darling of the Sioux Falls establishment.

Stehly’s the incumbent. But Jensen has a nine-month head start on her in the campaign, jumping in the race last May and already raising more than $70,000.

Still, money isn’t everything in an election.

The only thing we really know about Jensen is that he raised a bunch of money. But in a single sentence, we have all we need to know about Stehly;

Stehly has built a legion of allies through the countless battles she’s waged with City Hall in the last four years over zoning disputes between homeowners and developers, neighborhoods who needed help rallying against the apartment planned next door, the road closure up the street, or concerns over sewer and water rate increases, pool closures and snow gates.

And much, much, more. It is going to be very entertaining watching these two answer questions at a candidate forum. Stehly will mop the floor.